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2024 Fall Classes

  • 10/09 to 12/18  10 Classes Wednesday 3:45pm-4:45pm $265/term No class on Nov. 27Location: Online15

    ACSL Computer Contest Elementary Division

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL elementary contest consists of non-programming problems. Four categories, one each contest, will be tested. The contest consists of a 30-minute, 5-question contest each month. The topics covered are: 

    Contest #1: Computer Number Systems

    Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation

    Contest #3: Boolean Algebra

    Contest #4: Graph Theory.

    Students will be given a 5-question test of questions on the given topic that encourages the use of strong problem-solving skills to get the correct answer.

    In this class, we will teach the Computer Number Systems for conttest 1 and get students ready for the  contest #1 which is on Nov 19, 2022. And then we will teach the Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notations for the contest #2 and get students ready for the contest #2 which is on Jan 6, 2023

    No prior programming experience is required to attend this training class. Students are expected to be good at fifth-grade math with good problem-solving skills.

     Here is the contest events detail and registration link:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma

  • 09/19 to 12/12  12 Classes Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm $315/term No class on Nov. 28Location: Online15

    American Computer Science League (ACSL ) organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students.

    Each contest round consists of two parts: a written section (short answer test) and a programming section. Written topics tested include "what does this program do?", digital electronics, Boolean algebra, computer numbering systems, recursive functions, data structures (primarily dealing with binary search trees, stacks, and queues), regular expressions,  bit string flicking, graph theory, and prefix/postfix/infix notation.

    Only Students from Grade 6 to Grade 9 are allowed to participate in the Junior Division.

    The Fall term will have 8 classes to prepare students for Contest #1 and Contest #2, and the Winter term will have 10 classes to prepare students for Contest #3 and Contest #4. Sunshine will have another 6 classes to prepare students who qualified for the ACSL Finals competition.

    Topics for Contest #1 covers the following areas:
    1. Computer Number Systems
    2. Recursive Functions
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Branching

    Topics for Contest #2 covers the following areas:
    1. Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation
    2. Bit-String Flicking
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Looping

    Topics for Contest #3 covers the following areas:
    1. Boolean Algebra
    2. Data Structures
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Arrays

    Topics for Contest #4 covers the following areas:
    1. Graph Theory
    2. Digital Electronics
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Strings

    No prior programming experience is required to attend this training class. Students are expected to be proficient in Algebra 1 with good problem-solving skills.

    The above topics will be taught in the level required to excel in the ACSL Junior Division competition.

    Here are the contest events detail and registration link:

  • Sunshine Enrichment Class Coupons
  • Sunshine Elite Education is closed on all major holidays.
  • Missing classes with notice can be made up by class replay for the online classes in current term.
  • Sunshine Elite Education private tutoring for SAT/Writing/Math is available upon request.
  • Sunshine Elite Education reserves the right to update or modify the class plan at any time with or without any further notice.