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2022 Winter/Spring Live Online Classes

  • 01/17 to 06/13  20 Classes Monday 5:00pm-6:00pm $400/term No class on Mar. 21 and May 30Location: Online15

    Speech: Participants build their confidence speaking in front of others and completing skill achievements.

    Students will write a prepared speech with guidance from the instructor. Students have the freedom to pick any topic for their prepared speech as long as it falls within the category decided by the instructor. The categories include informative, persuasive, storytelling, and demonstrative. 

    Students will also learn how to critique the speeches of others in a helpful and positive manner. Roles include timer, listener, librarian, counter, comedian, and recorder.

    Debate: This class will integrate a portion of debate in it. Debate is a valuable activity for students of all skill levels.  Debate teaches useful skills for other academic pursuits and life more generally.   Most obviously, debaters build confidence speaking in public and expressing their ideas eloquently. 

    Instructor: Ta-Leah Smithers

  • 01/20 to 06/09  20 Classes Thursday 3:55pm-4:55pm $400/term No class on Mar. 24Location: Online15

    Speech: Participants build their confidence speaking in front of others and completing skill achievements.

    Students will write a prepared speech with guidance from the instructor. Students have the freedom to pick any topic for their prepared speech as long as it falls within the category decided by the instructor. The categories include informative, persuasive, storytelling, and demonstrative. 

    Students will also learn how to critique the speeches of others in a helpful and positive manner. Roles include timer, listener, librarian, counter, comedian, and recorder.

    Debate: This class will integrate a portion of debate in it. Debate is a valuable activity for students of all skill levels.  Debate teaches useful skills for other academic pursuits and life more generally.   Most obviously, debaters build confidence speaking in public and expressing their ideas eloquently. 

    Instructor: Ta-Leah Smithers

  • 01/19 to 06/08  20 Classes Wednesday 4:30pm-6:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 23Location: Online15

    Course Description: This is the third course of Speech/Debate series. While this course continues to help students build up the Speech confidence and skills, it focuses more on Debate.

    Below are the sample topics to cover in the class. Topics may vary in different terms.

    Unit 1: Introduction to Debate
    1. Introduce students to some basic concepts and terms. 
    2. Involve students in an informal debate.

    Unit 2: Expanding on the concept of debate 
    1. Observe a live or videotaped debate. 
    2. Take part in an informal debate.

    Unit 3: Affirmative Structure
    1. Gain an understanding of the Affirmative philosophy.
    2. Examine the speech of the first Affirmative.

    Unit 4: Overview of Negative Strategy
    1. Understand negative strategy. 
    2. understand the job of the first Negative speaker

    Unit 5: Overview of Debate
    1. Second Affirmative Constructive Speech 
    2. Second Negative Constructive Speech
    3. The Break 
    4. Rebuttal by First Negative 
    5. Rebuttal by First Affirmative

    Unit 6: The Great debate (Discussion, Preparation, Presentation)

    Provide students an opportunity to prepare and debate in a formal style.

    Debate is an excellent way to develop critical thinking skills. The process of researching a debate is one of examining the pros and cons of an issue, determining what the problems are and considering alternative solutions. The research and presentation of a debate is clearly a team effort, and participation in activities like debate explicitly develops the skills needed to work in teams.

    Instructor: Ta-Leah Smithers

  • 01/21 to 06/11  20 Classes Friday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar 25Location: Online15

    Speech: This is the fouth course of Speech/Debate series. At this stage, participants should feel confident to speak before others and are good at the basic speech skills.

    Debate: Debate is a valuable activity for students of all skill levels.  Debate teaches useful skills for other academic pursuits and life more generally. But the benefits of debating are not limited to the skills built while students are speaking—the preparation for competition teaches critical thinking and research skills, as well. Those skills help students express their thoughts better in their academic work and their college applications (not to mention around your dinner table!). Perhaps most important of all, debate is fun!  

    This course will introduce different styles of Debate but more focused on Lincoln-Douglas  debate style. Participants will learn to assemble an argument and present it in the Lincoln-Douglas debate style. Lincoln–Douglas debate (commonly abbreviated as LD Debate or simply LD) is a type of one-on-one debate though the instructor may choose to have students use it in a team format. It is sometimes also called "values debate" because the format traditionally places a heavy emphasis on logic, ethical values, and philosophy. This type of debate challenges students to understand the conflicting human values that stand behind opposing policies.

    Debate Learning Targets:
         - Understand Values
         - Learn debate methods. Example: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
         - Practice the routine for LD debate

    Instructor: Julie Weindel

  • 03/29 to 06/16  24 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 3:55pm-4:55pm $480/term Location: Online

    Comprehensive Reading and Vocabulary Level 1 is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program. The course aligns with the ITBS Reading test, and we use the ITBS reading test to measure student's achievement in this class.

    The class is designed with a one-year curriculum for advanced K-1 students:

    Level 1A: Starting students with the "From Phonics to Reading Level 2" to build up the vocabulary and reading skills based on Phonics. We may also use "Making Connections Grade 1" or various reading materials to practice comprehensive reading skills 

    Level 1B: Starting with more complex text readings we will have "From Phonics to Reading 2" as our reading textbook to take students to the next level of reading comprehension. We will use "Vocabulary Workshop for Comprehension 1" to power up students' vocabulary by putting the words in multiple contexts. And 6 books from Comprehension Library 1 will be used in class for students to apply their newly acquired skills and strategies. Level 1B usually take about 20 weeks to complete.

    Student books for Level 1A:
    Make Connections Book 1 & From Phonics to Reading 1

    Making Connections Student Book, Grade 1 (Homeschool  Edition)  -           From Phonics to Reading Student Edition Level A, Grade 1

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. The hard copy of "From Phonics to Reading" book is included in your registration. You may buy the hard copy of "Making Connections 1" book at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

  • 01/18 to 06/09  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online20

    Comprehensive Reading and Vocabulary Level 1 is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program. The course aligns with the ITBS Reading test, and we use the ITBS reading test to measure student's achievement in this class.

    The class is designed with a one-year curriculum for K-1st grade students. This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA reading tests. While the reading and vocabulary materials helps students to build up the solid fundation and reading skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online reading practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. ITBS tests can be taken by nomination in Fall term, and OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    Level 1A: Starting students with the "Make Connections Book 1" to build up comprehensive reading skills.  We use the "Vocabulary Workshop for Comprehension 1" for expanding students' vocabulary. Level 1A usually takes 12 to 14 weeks to finish.

    Level 1B: Starting with more complex text readings we will have "From Phonics to Reading B" as our vocabulary and reading textbook to take students to the next level of reading comprehension. We will use "Information Text Message 1 & 2" and "ITBS/OSA Reading online tests for Grade 1" to learn the test strategies too.  And 6 books from Comprehension Library 1 will be used in class for students to apply their newly acquired skills and strategies. Level 1B usually takes about 20 weeks to complete.

    Level 1C: This is a bridge program in the Summer to solidify and improve students' comprehensive reading skills and prepare for the next school year. The vocabulary book "Fun-time Phonics K-2" will be used.

    Student books for Level 1B:
    Information Text Message 1& 2 (PDFs only)
    From Phonics to Reading B (hard copy of book is included)

    From Phonics to Reading Level B

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Tami Bake;  Meagan Andrus

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday, Wednesday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online20

    Comprehensive Reading and Vocabulary Level 2 is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program. The course aligns with the ITBS Reading test, and we use the ITBS reading test to measure student's achievement in this class.

    The class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 2nd grade students. This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA reading tests. While the reading and vocabulary materials helps students to build up the solid fundation and reading skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online reading practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. ITBS tests can be taken by nomination in Fall term, and OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    Level 2A: Starting students with the "Make Connections Book 2" to build up comprehensive reading skills.  We use "Vocabulary Workshop for Comprehensive 2" for expanding students' vocabulary with a comprehensive reading context. Level 2A usually take 12 to 14 weeks to finish.

    Level 2B: We use "TR Instant Reading Comprehension Practice 2" for the comprehension strategies and reading skills in class, we will use "Wordly Wise Book 2" in the 2B level to power up students' vocabulary further by putting the words in multiple contexts. 8-10 books from Comprehension Library will be used in/out of class for students to apply their newly acquired skills and strategies. Level 2B usually take about 20 weeks to complete.

    Level 2C: This is a bridge program in the Summer to further solidify and improve students' comprehensive reading skills and prepare for the next school year. The various curriculum will be used for Level 2C.

    Students will build up the following skills in this class:
         1. Understand skills such as cause and effect, drawing conclusions, and predicting outcomes. 
         2. Locate, interpret, and organize key information in a text.
         3. Analyze words in a text using vocabulary strategies.
         4. Utilize text features such as maps, graphs, tables, photos, and glossaries to aid comprehension. 
         5. Interpret a variety of genres including biographies, science & social studies texts, Greek myth, and much more! 

    Student books for Level 2B:
    Wordly Wise 3000 for Grade 2 (4th Edition)
    Instant Reading Comprehension Practice 2 (PDF & use in class only)

           Instant Reading Comprehension Practice Grade 2: Grade 2

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Tami Bake;  Meagan Andrus

  • 01/18 to 06/13  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Mar. 22, 24,Location: Online12

    Comprehensive Reading and Vocabulary Level 3 is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program. The course aligns with the ITBS Reading test, and we use the ITBS reading test to measure student's achievement in this class.

    The class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 3rd students. This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA reading tests. While the reading and vocabulary materials helps students to build up the solid fundation and reading skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online reading practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. ITBS tests can be taken by nomination in Fall term, and OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    Level 3A: Students will start with the "Make Connections 3“ book to build up comprehensive reading skills with the high-quality of scientific reading.  Six books from Comprehension Library 3 will be used in/out of class for students to apply their newly acquired skills and strategies. We use the ”Vocabulary Workshop for Comprehensive 3“ for expanding students' vocabulary with a comprehensive reading context. Level 3A usually takes 12 to 14 weeks to finish.

    Level 3B: After finishing the Make Connections 3 book, we will continue with the "Reading Detective Beginning" and "Close Reading Complex Text 3" book in level 3B to further refine reading skills with more complex high-quality text. We will use the book "Wordly Wise book 3" to power up students' vocabulary further by putting the words in multiple contexts. The Online Reading Skill Unit Tests will be used to have students to practice the reading tests in the standard format and assess students' reading skills. Level 3B usually takes about 20 weeks to complete.

    Level 3C: This is a bridge program in the Summer to further solidify and improve students' comprehensive reading skills and prepare for the next school year. The various curriculum will be used for Level 3C.

    Students will build up the following skills in this class:
         1. Understand skills such as cause and effect, drawing conclusions, and predicting outcomes. 
         2. Locate, interpret, and organize key information in a text.
         3. Analyze words in a text using vocabulary strategies.
         4. Utilize text features such as maps, graphs, tables, photos, and glossaries to aid comprehension. 
         5. Interpret a variety of genres including biographies, science & social studies texts, Greek myth, and much more! 

    Student books for Level 3B:
    Wordly Wise 3000 Book 3 (4th edition) 
    Reading Detective Beginning
    Close Reading Complex Text 3

    Reading Detective® Beginning

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Shawna Secor

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online12

    Comprehensive Reading and Vocabulary Level 4 is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program. The course aligns with the ITBS Reading test, and we use the ITBS reading test to measure student's achievement in this class.

    The class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 4th grade students. This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA reading tests and reading/vocabulary skills for middle school. While the reading and vocabulary materials helps students to build up the solid fundation and reading skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online reading practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    Level 4A: We will start with the "Make Connections 4” to build up comprehensive reading skills by looking into the connections in the text.  We use "Vocabulary Workshop for Comprehensive 4" for expanding students' vocabulary with a comprehensive reading context. Level 4A usually takes 12 to 14 weeks to finish.

    Level 4B: We will take students to the next reading level with "Close Reading Complex Text 4" and "Reading Explorer Book 2" in 4B with more complex high-quality scientific texts. we will use the vocabulary book "Wordly Wise book 4" to power up students' vocabulary further by putting the words in multiple contexts. Level 4B usually take about 20 weeks to complete.

    Level 4C: This is a bridge program in the Summer to further solidify and improve students' comprehensive reading skills and prepare for the next school year. The various curriculum will be used for Level 4C.

    Students will build up the following skills in this class:
         1. Understand skills such as cause and effect, drawing conclusions, and predicting outcomes. 
         2. Locate, interpret, and organize key information in a text.
         3. Analyze words in a text using vocabulary strategies.
         4. Utilize text features such as maps, graphs, tables, photos, and glossaries to aid comprehension. 
         5. Interpret a variety of genres including biographies, science & social studies texts, Greek myth, and much more! 

    Student books for Level 4B:
    Reading Explorer Book 2
    Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 (4th edition)

       Reading Explorer 2 2/Ed.- Sb

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. The hard copy of Wordly Wise book 4 is included in your class registration. You may also borrow the hard copy of "Reading Explorer 2" book from Sunshine Elite office.

    Instructor: Shawna Secor;  Kira Tomlinson

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online12

    Comprehensive Reading and Vocabulary Level 5 is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program that teaches students practical strategies to bolster their vocabulary and academic acumen. The course aligns with the ITBS Reading & SSAT tests which will be used to measure students’ achievement.

    The class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 5th grade students. This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA reading tests and reading/vocabulary skills for middle school. While the reading and vocabulary materials helps students to build up the solid foundation and reading skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online reading practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    Level 5A: We will start with "Reading Explorer Book 3" to build up comprehensive reading skills and scientific reading skills.  We use “Wordly Wise Book 5” for expanding students' vocabulary with a comprehensive reading context. Level 5A usually takes 12 to 14 weeks to finish.

    Level 5B: We will continue with "Reading Detective A1" book in level 5B to further refine reading skills with more complex high-quality text. While wrapping up with the Wordly Wise 5, we will have a new book "Vocabulary Workshop for Comprehensive 5" to power up students' vocabulary further by putting the words in multiple contexts. Six books from Comprehension Library 5 will be used in/out of class for students to apply their newly acquired skills and strategies. Level 5B usually takes about 20 weeks to complete.

    Level 5C: This is a bridge program in the Summer to further solidify and improve students' comprehensive reading skills and prepare for the next school year. 

    Students will sharpen their skills in:
    •  Logical Analysis using principles of cause and effect to help draw conclusions/predict outcomes.
         •  Discourse Analysis using linguistic and textual principles to interpret/organize key information. 
         •  Semantic Analysis using specific words in a text to discover implicit information.
         •  Textual Analysis using textual/graphics features such as maps/graphs to aid in comprehension.
         •  Interpretation using a variety of genres (including biography, scientific writing,  social studies texts, Greek mythology, etc.) in order to apply the methods over a range of discourses.

    Literary Analysis Skills
    •  Defining vocabulary using contextual clues.
         •  Recognizing figurative language.
         •  Identifying the main idea, supporting details, and theme.
         •  Recognizing literary and rhetorical devices.
         •  Identifying story elements: theme, plot, setting, and characters.

    Student books for Level 5B:
    Wordly Wise 3000 Book 5 (4th edition) 
    Reading Detective A1
    Close Reading Complex Text 5

      Reading Detective® A1

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. The "Wordly Wise book 5" is included in your registration. You may buy the "Reading Detective A1" and "Close Reading Complex Text 5" book at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Shawna Secor;  Kira Tomlinson

  • 01/18 to 06/13  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online12

    Comprehensive Reading and Vocabulary Level 6 is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program that teaches students practical strategies to bolster their vocabulary and academic acumen. The course aligns with the OSA/ITBS Reading & SSAT tests which will be used to measure students’ achievement.

    The class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 6th grade students. This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA/SSAT reading and vocabulary tests and enhanced English skills for middle school students. While the reading and vocabulary materials helps students to build up the solid fundation and reading skills, we also add ITBS/OSA/SSAT online reading and vocabulary practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. ITBS tests can be taken by nomination in Fall term, and OSA math/reading tests may be scheduled in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    Level 6A: We will start with the "Close Reading Complex Text 6" to build up comprehensive reading skills. We use "Vocabulary Workshop for Comprehensive 6" for expanding students' vocabulary with a comprehensive reading context. Level 6A usually takes 12-14 weeks to finish. 

    Level 6B: We will continue to the "Reading Explorer Book 4" and "Reading Detective Rx" to further refine reading comprehension and build scientific reading skills together.  We will use the "Wordly Wise Book 6" to power up students' vocabulary further by putting the words in multiple contexts. Level 6B usually take about 20 weeks to complete.

    Students will sharpen their skills in:
    •  Logical Analysis using principles of cause and effect to help draw conclusions/predict outcomes.
         •  Discourse Analysis using linguistic and textual principles to interpret/organize key information. 
         •  Semantic Analysis using specific words in a text to discover implicit information.
         •  Textual Analysis using textual/graphics features such as maps/graphs to aid in comprehension.
         •  Interpretation using a variety of genres (including biography, scientific writing,  social studies texts, Greek mythology, etc.) in order to apply the methods over a range of discourses.

    Literary Analysis Skills
    •  Defining vocabulary using contextual clues.
         •  Recognizing figurative language.
         •  Identifying the main idea, supporting details, and theme.
         •  Recognizing literary and rhetorical devices.
         •  Identifying story elements: theme, plot, setting, and characters.

    The two core textbooks for this class are the award-winning Reading Explorer 4 (from National Geographic Learning) and Reading Detective Rx (from The Critical Thinking Co.). The Reading Explorer series is heavily oriented towards the sciences while introducing rhetorical concepts and reading strategies.  Reading Detective is oriented towards literature and writing.  In tandem, the curricula help the instructor deliver a varied, comprehensive, and coherent reading program.

    Student books for Level 6B: 
    Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6 (4th edition) 
    Reading Explorer Book 4 
    Reading Detective Rx

        Reading Detective® Rx Reading Explorer 4 Sb - Standalone book

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Shawna Secor

  • 01/21 to 06/10  20 Classes Friday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar 25Location: Online6

    This is a direct, systematic, and highly interactive reading comprehension program that teaches students practical strategies to build their reading comprehension while bolstering their vocabulary and academic acumen. The course aligns with the PSAT 8/9 tests which will be used to measure the students’ achievements.

    The comprehension reading materials will be selected from multiple sources and delivered to students by PDF files. We will continue to use the Merriam-Webster's vocabulary Builder based on Latin Roots. A knowledge of Greek and Latin roots will not only help you remember the meanings of the words you are learning in class but will help you guess at the meanings of new words that you run into elsewhere. This is the most powerful way to continue expanding your vocabulary in the future.

    Reading 2: Reading Explore 5, PSAT 8/9, PreACT related Readings
    Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder based on Latin Roots (Continune')

    Instructor: Julie Hlad

  • 01/20 to 06/09  20 Classes Thursday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 24Location: Online2

    Literary reading skills are above basic and key reading skills to the point where students grasp texts in all their complexity. It is reading between the lines in order to discover levels of meaning and develop meaningful interpretations.

    In this class, students will:
    (1) Review Basic Reading (imagining, responding, skimming)
    (2) Learn Reflective Reading (selecting, scanning, tracking)
    (3) Learn Analytical Reading (Interpreting, analyzing)
    (4) Write a critical analysis style essay 
    (5) Build vocabulary/syntax throughout the reading
    (6) Create a unique, critical essay with correct logical structure and grammar

    This class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 3rd - 4th grade students. The class will use various books on different terms throughout the year. Sunshine will provide an Ecopy of the books used in class or a free rental of the hard copy of the book whenever possible.

    Text Books for Literary Reading Level I-B: 

    Stella by Starlight by Sharon Draper

    Rules by Cynthia Lord

    Redwall by Brian Jaques

    Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

    Various poems

    Various short stories, including “The Necklace,” “The Lottery,” and “Through the Tunnel”

    Note: If many students have already read a novel, we will choose an alternate.

    Instructor: Brenda Andrus;  Meagan Andrus

  • 01/19 to 06/08  20 Classes Wednesday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 23Location: Online2

    Literary reading skills are above basic and key reading skills to the point where students grasp texts in all their complexity. It is reading between the lines in order to discover levels of meaning and develop meaningful interpretations.

    In this class, students will:
    (1) Review Basic Reading (imagining, responding, skimming)
    (2) Learn Reflective Reading (selecting, scanning, tracking)
    (3) Learn Analytical Reading (Interpreting, analyzing)
    (4) Write a critical analysis style essay 
    (5) Build vocabulary/syntax throughout the reading
    (6) Create a unique, critical essay with correct logical structure and grammar

    This class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 5th - 6th grade students. The class will use various books on different terms throughout the year. Sunshine will provide an Ecopy of the books used in class or a free rental of the hard copy of the book whenever possible.

    Text Books for Literary Reading Level II-B: 

    Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

    Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper

    Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech

    Matilda by Roald Dahl

    One for the Murphys by Linda Mullaly Hunt

    Rangers Apprentice by John Flanagan

    Poetry Unit

    Short Story Unit

    Note: If many students have already read a novel, we will choose an alternate.

    Instructor: Brenda Andrus;  Meagan Andrus

  • 01/17 to 06/13  20 Classes Monday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 21 and May 30Location: Online2

    In How to Read A Book, Van Doren and Mortimer talk about four main levels of reading: elementary reading, inspectional reading, analytical reading, and syntopical reading.

    Analytical reading goes beyond elementary reading (putting sounds and words together to discover surface-level meaning) and inspectional reading (systematic skimming and superficial reading) to the point where the student begins to understand the book and the author's views on the subject.  From this point, the students will be better able to tackle the syntopic reading skills that will enable them to thrive in higher levels of academia.

    In this class, students will:
    (1) Practice Elementary Reading
    (2) Learn Inspectional Reading (systematic skimming, superficial reading)
    (3) Learn Analytical Reading (classifying, summarizing, relating the part to whole and vice versa, and defining the problem that the author has articulated)
    (4) Write critical analysis essays
    (5) Build up vocabulary through the readings and exercises
    (6) Develop a unique, critical essay writing style with logical structure and correct grammar.

    This class is designed with a one-year curriculum for 7th - 9th grade students. The class will use various books on different terms throughout the year. Sunshine will provide an Ecopy of the books used in class or a free rental of the hard copy of the book whenever possible.

    Text Books for Literary Reading Level III-B: 
    (1) Book Thief by Markus Zusak
    (2) A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron
    (3) Looking Glass Wars by Frank Bedor
    (4) Lord of the Flies by William Golding
    (5) Ungifted by Gordon Korman

    (6) Much Ado About Nothing Wm Shakespeare

    Note: If many students have already read a novel, we will choose an alternate.

    We will also draw from these Additional Text Books (pdfs provided):
    (1) How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines.
    (2) A Short Guide to Writing about Literature (12th Edition)
    (3) Reading the World: Contemporary Literature from Around the Globe by Plc (short stories, plays, poetry)
    (4) A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers by Lee A. Jacobus (essays)

    Instructor: Brenda Andrus

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 1:00pm-2:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online1

    This class is a refined skill-based guided writing level 2 class that is taught in a different way: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    Here a the presentation video for the class:

    This class will inspire your ideas and empower you with the tools to refine your writing and make it audience ready. Each 90-minute class will have three sections: ideas, revision skills, and conventions. You will be supported all the way with the best revision techniques from Education Northwest's 6 traits approach, and the best instruction in conventions from Sadlier's Grammar Workshop textbook series. You will feel encouraged and confident to take your favorite ideas to an audience.

    Level 2 focuses on writing well-developed paragraphs of several sentences that introduce the main idea and support the idea with well-chosen details.

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    We will strengthen our grammar part by using the "Editor in Chief Beginning 1", and the customized feedback from students' writings.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Writing 2B
    Let's Get This Day Started Writing and Language Skills 3 by Teacher Created Resources

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/18 to 06/07  20 Classes Tuesday 6:35pm-8:05pm $600/term No class on Mar. 22Location: Online1

    This class is a refined skill-based guided writing level 3 class that is taught in a different way: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    Here is a presentation video for the class:

    Writing Level 3 focuses on writing three related paragraphs on one topic.

    We will be building writing skills and grammar systematically for students in grades 3 and 4. Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade 3 students and on-level grade 4 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! When your student is ready to develop multiple organizational structures, they will move on to Level 4.

    Our "skill-based" program helps children focus on specific writing skills in each class, so students gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with science writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    For example, in Level 3, instead of asking a child to write about themselves, a guided writing assignment could provide the following prompts: 1. What is something you like to do? Explain what you like about it or how you do it. 2. What are some important things to know about you? [Choose at least 3 details, such as name, age, family members, school, favorite things]  3. What experiences in your past have been important to you? 4. Complete the sentence: I am the kind of person who _______. 5. What does it feel like to be you? 6. Now write your paragraphs in a good order. 

    A child who follows these prompts learns to include explanations, make generalizations, and order paragraphs thoughtfully. They learn specific ending strategies, such as closing with feelings.  

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    We will begin each class by building grammar with the Grammar Workshop from Sadlier throughout the year.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Writing 3B
    Grammar Workshop for Grade 3 (Continued)

    Grammar Workshop, Tools for Writing image

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 11:00am-12:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online1

    This class is a refined skill-based guided writing level 3 class that is taught in a different way: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    Here is a presentation video for the class:

    Writing Level 3 focuses on writing three related paragraphs on one topic.

    We will be building writing skills and grammar systematically for students in grades 3 and 4. Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade 3 students and on-level grade 4 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! When your student is ready to develop multiple organizational structures, they will move on to Level 4.

    Our "skill-based" program helps children focus on specific writing skills in each class, so students gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with science writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    For example, in Level 3, instead of asking a child to write about themselves, a guided writing assignment could provide the following prompts: 1. What is something you like to do? Explain what you like about it or how you do it. 2. What are some important things to know about you? [Choose at least 3 details, such as name, age, family members, school, favorite things]  3. What experiences in your past have been important to you? 4. Complete the sentence: I am the kind of person who _______. 5. What does it feel like to be you? 6. Now write your paragraphs in a good order. 

    A child who follows these prompts learns to include explanations, make generalizations, and order paragraphs thoughtfully. They learn specific ending strategies, such as closing with feelings.  

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    We will begin each class by building grammar with the Grammar Workshop from Sadlier throughout the year.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Writing 3B
    Grammar Workshop for Grade 3 (Continued)

    Grammar Workshop, Tools for Writing image

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/18 to 06/07  20 Classes Tuesday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 22Location: Online1

    This class is a refined skill-based guided writing level 4 class that is taught in a different way: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    Here is a presentation video for the class:

    Level 4 focuses on creating coherent, complete writing that is well developed with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

    We will be building writing skills and vocabulary systematically for students in grades 4 and 5. Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade-4 students and on-level grade 5 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! When your student has achieved some facility with a variety of organizational structures, they will move on to Level 5. 

    Our "skill-based" program helps children focus on specific writing skills in each class, so students gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with science writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    For example, in Level 4, instead of asking a child to write an essay introducing themselves, a guided writing assignment could provide the following prompts: 1. What is something you like to do? Explain what you like about it or how you do it. 2. What are some important things to know about you? [Choose at least 3 details, such as name, age, family members, school, favorite things]  3. What experiences in your past have been important to you? 4. Complete the sentence: I am the kind of person who _______. 5. What does it feel like to be you? 6. Now write your paragraphs in a good order. 

    A student who follows these prompts learns to include explanations, make generalizations, and order paragraphs thoughtfully. They learn the strategy of closing with feelings.

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    We will begin each class by building grammar with the Grammar Workshop from Sadlier throughout the year.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Strength Writing 4B
    Grammar Workshop for Grade 4 (continued)

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/17 to 06/13  20 Classes Monday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 21 and May 30Location: Online1

    This class is a refined skill-based guided writing level 4 class that is taught in a different way: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    Here is a presentation video for the class:

    Level 4 focuses on creating coherent, complete writing that is well developed with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

    We will be building writing skills and vocabulary systematically for students in grades 4 and 5. Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade-4 students and on-level grade 5 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! When your student has achieved some facility with a variety of organizational structures, they will move on to Level 5. 

    Our "skill-based" program helps children focus on specific writing skills in each class, so students gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with science writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    For example, in Level 4, instead of asking a child to write an essay introducing themselves, a guided writing assignment could provide the following prompts: 1. What is something you like to do? Explain what you like about it or how you do it. 2. What are some important things to know about you? [Choose at least 3 details, such as name, age, family members, school, favorite things]  3. What experiences in your past have been important to you? 4. Complete the sentence: I am the kind of person who _______. 5. What does it feel like to be you? 6. Now write your paragraphs in a good order. 

    A student who follows these prompts learns to include explanations, make generalizations, and order paragraphs thoughtfully. They learn the strategy of closing with feelings.

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    We will begin each class by building grammar with the Grammar Workshop from Sadlier throughout the year.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Strength Writing 4B
    Grammar Workshop for Grade 4 (continued)

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 3:50pm-4:50pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online1

    This level 5 class is a refined skill-based guided writing class that is taught in a different way and introduces research: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    We will be building writing skills and vocabulary systematically for students in grades 5 and 6. Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade 5 students and on-level grade 6 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! When your student is ready to write extensive papers and write in test-taking conditions they will move on to Level 6.

    Our "skill-based" program helps students focus on specific writing skills in each class, so they gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with scientific writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    For example, in Level 5, a guided writing assignment could provide the following prompts: 1. What are three adjectives that describe you? Write two synonyms for each adjective, then circle the best descriptive word. 2. Give evidence (reasons or examples) to support each of the adjectives you chose. 3. What past experiences have contributed to making you who you are? 4. Complete the sentence: I am the kind of person who _______. 5. What does it feel like to be you? 

    A student who follows these prompts learns to use a thesaurus, provide support for general statements, describe cause and effect relationships, and make classifications and generalizations. 

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    We will begin each class by building grammar with the Grammar Workshop from Sadlier throughout the year.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Strength Writing 5B
    Grammar Workshop for Grade 5 (Continued)

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/20 to 06/09  20 Classes Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 24Location: Online1

    This level 5 class is a refined skill-based guided writing class that is taught in a different way and introduces research: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    We will be building writing skills and vocabulary systematically for students in grades 5 and 6. Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade 5 students and on-level grade 6 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! When your student is ready to write extensive papers and write in test-taking conditions they will move on to Level 6.

    Our "skill-based" program helps students focus on specific writing skills in each class, so they gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with scientific writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    For example, in Level 5, a guided writing assignment could provide the following prompts: 1. What are three adjectives that describe you? Write two synonyms for each adjective, then circle the best descriptive word. 2. Give evidence (reasons or examples) to support each of the adjectives you chose. 3. What past experiences have contributed to making you who you are? 4. Complete the sentence: I am the kind of person who _______. 5. What does it feel like to be you? 

    A student who follows these prompts learns to use a thesaurus, provide support for general statements, describe cause and effect relationships, and make classifications and generalizations. 

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    We will begin each class by building grammar with the Grammar Workshop from Sadlier throughout the year.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Strength Writing 5B
    Grammar Workshop for Grade 5 (Continued)

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/14 to 06/10  20 Classes Friday 4:30pm-6:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 25 and May 27Location: Online1

    This class is a refined skill-based guided writing level 6/7 class that is taught in a different way: Strength-Focused By Jennifer Rose.

    Level 6/7 prepares students for middle school success. The small class size makes it possible to focus on students' particular needs, including essay writing and writing under testing conditions. Students learn skills such as topic testing, effective searches, and source evaluation. 

    Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade-6 students and on-level grade 7 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! 

    Our "skill-based" program helps children focus on specific writing skills in each class, so students gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with science writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    We will use the website for inspiration, submit writing for publication, and if all goes as planned, we will do some publishing of our own. 

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Strength Writing 6/7B
    Grammar for Writing 6 (Continued)
    Grammar for Middle School (Digital copy only)

     Grammar for Middle School: A Sentence-Composing Approach--A Student Worktext

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Jennifer Rose

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 2:00pm-3:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online12

    Level 7/8 supports students for academic success. The small class size makes it possible to focus on students' particular needs, including essay writing and writing under testing conditions. Students are encouraged to bring in real obstacles they are encountering in writing. Working together, we can overcome them.  

    Most of the skills are drawn from the higher level of the grade spread, therefore this class is most appropriate for advanced grade-7 students and on-level grade 8 students. Each of our levels has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content! 

    Our "skill-based" program helps students focus on specific writing skills in each class, so students gain mastery skill by skill. They become confident, competent writers. Each term we practice many genres of writing. Each genre builds different skills such as building attention to word choice with poetry and attention to descriptive details with science writing. 

    Meanwhile "guided" writing is highly supported, and enables students to produce complete writing that is well-structured.

    We will begin each class by building grammar with the Grammar Workshop from Sadlier or Editor In Chief program from the Creative Thinking Co. along the year. The books for the class will be posted to the class page before the term starts.

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Writing 7/8B
    Grammar for Writing 8 (Continued)
    The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need

        The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Shawna Secor

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 9:00am-10:30am $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online6

    This course is the step towards mastering the essay. You will be guided through the writing process, learning the essential components of the American high school standard writing and formatting college essays. Topics include various types of essays, structuring, and the development of paragraphs, topic sentences, thesis statements, supporting examples, grammar for academic writing, and vocabulary choices.

    By the end of this course, if you pay close attention and work hard enough, you will be able to write a short essay that has a clear and supported thesis, is logically organized, and follows the correct standards in mechanics, vocabulary usage, grammar structure, and spelling of American English.

    Each Essay Level and Grammar has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content!

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Essay 1B:
    1. Grammar for Writing E (Grade 10) 
    2. The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation (Continued)

    We may also use the following textbooks as a reference in class:
    1. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide by Laurie G. Kirszner (Author), Stephen R. Mandell (Author)
    2. Developmental Exercises for A Writer's Reference by Diana Hacker (Author), Wanda Van Goor (Author)

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also borrow a hard copy of the textbooks from Sunshine whenever it's still available. You may buy the Grammar for Writing E book at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via this link:

    Instructor: Julie Hlad

  • 01/20 to 06/13  20 Classes Thursday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar 24Location: Online

    This course offers a critical-creative reading and annotating path to good composing practices at upper secondary and tertiary stages of learning. It aims to support your development of rhetorical strategies, literary analysis and critical composing practices.

    You will learn varying kinds of critical thinking needed to make choices – choices of creative purpose and the diction, detail, imagery, and syntax to fulfill it. You will learn the questions to ask to develop a research question and a tenable thesis statement. You will be given sources to support your learning to summarize, quote, cite and reference properly.  You will read different types of critical essays that offer various types of claims and well-supported arguments, all to support your understanding of how you may shape your essay.  You will increase your vocabulary, understanding of logical, ethical and emotional fallacies to avoid and boost confidence in your capacity for writing various types of essays and critical tasks.

    Though the focus of the class will be on composing various types of essays required by AP and IB Diploma Programs, several of those types pertain to SAT essay writing, such as the AP rhetorical analysis essay and IB literary commentary. Preparation for those, including annotating text and various pre-writing approaches can support SAT test takers to prepare for writing and essay well.

    Each Essay Level and Grammar has two years worth of skill content. A student can take this level for two years without repeating content!

    Student Grammar/Workbooks for Essay 2B:
    1. Erica Meltzer: How to Write for Class
    2. Grammar & Writing for Standard Tests

    We may also use the following textbooks as a reference in class:
    1. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide by Laurie G. Kirszner (Author)
    2. From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A text and reader fourth edition by Stuart Greene
    3.Various SAT Grammar practices

    Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also borrow a hard copy of the textbooks from Sunshine whenever it's still available.

  • 02/07 to 06/16  16 Classes Monday 3:30pm-5:00pm $480/ No class on Feb 21, Mar 21 and May 30, in personLocation: Rm 2

    Writing can be fun! This class is for both those who love to write and those who are intimidated by writing but want to improve in a supportive atmosphere. All students who sign up should love reading and want to learn about writing. We focus on content and creativity, not grammar or “strict rules.” In each class, we will have different kinds of writing exercises. We use all of our senses to explore creative nonfiction, genre fiction (fantasy, romance, sci-fi, etc.), poetry, and the short story. We’ll also discuss publications that accept submissions from young writers. With individualized attention, your child will become clear and confident in their written communication.

    Instructor: Kira Tomlinson

  • 01/14 to 06/10  20 Classes Friday 4:30pm-6:00pm $600/term No class on Mar 25 and May 27Location: Online7

    MS Creative Writing: Focusing on Submissions for Publication and Contests

    Debby Dodds

    As a creative writing teacher for twenty-five years and an award-winning published author, as well as an SAT/ACT/GRE coach and college admissions specialist, I’ve long been aware of how much professionals at the most competitive colleges value incoming students that are not merely proficient in STEM skills, but who can also write and communicate clearly. Moreover, right-brained, creative thinking also commands great appreciation.

    With almost every college going test-optional for this year and beyond, it is imperative to have a strong resume, essay, and portfolio when applying. Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and many other colleges have spokespeople who have asserted that 2021 will be a much different process and admissions will focus on other criteria than test scores and GPA. Students will need any and every extracurricular activity they can to show they’ve used this time productively as so many activities have been canceled, standardized tests have been suspended, and many schools will not provide GPAs.

    To this end, this class will not merely focus on strengthening creative writing skills but it will also provide guidance about where students can submit their work for contests and publications. I’ve had students submit and win many contests and many have had professional publication credits before graduating from high school including Scholastic Awards, Willamette Writer Awards, NY Times Essay Contests, Letters About Literature, best-selling anthologies, and many more.

    Instructor: Debby Dodds

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online8

    Math Level 1-B Syllabus and Class Plan

    The goal of this program is to enhance and add supplemental materials to school-taught objectives. We teach this class to ensure that students fully understand new concepts and methods, while also providing homework to develop understanding and build a love for math. According to student level of performance, we will adjust pacing to various levels and include challenge problems.

    This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA math tests While the math 3B book helps students to build up the advanced math skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online math practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    This course uses the Singapore Dimensions Math 1B, which is the refined version of Singapore primary math. Singapore math is the proven top math curriculum for elementary students in the world. It teaches students to learn and master mathematical concepts in great detail while simultaneously applying a three-step learning process: concretepictorial, and abstract

    Students in 1st grade usually begin with Dimensions Math 1B in the Winter/Spring term of the school year. Students who finish the 1A math with a 1A final test score of 80% is good to start with level 1B.

    Students may take our free online assessment test for accurate placement before joining the class. You may choose the Singapore math 1A test as the Pretest of this class to find out whether your kid is ready to start math level 1B.  It's normal for students to test lower than their grade level; in contrast, other math programs are not as advanced as the Singapore Math Program. 

    Instructor: Kylie McAllister

  • 01/18 to 06/09  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online10

    Math Level 2-B Syllabus and Class Plan

    The goal of this program is to enhance and add supplemental materials to school-taught objectives. We teach this class to ensure that students fully understand new concepts and methods, while also providing homework to develop understanding and build a love for math. According to student level of performance, we will adjust pacing to various levels and include challenge problems.

    This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA math tests While the math 3B book helps students to build up the advanced math skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online math practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    This course uses the Singapore Dimensions Math 2B, which is the refined version of Singapore primary math. Singapore math is the proven top math curriculum for elementary students in the world. It teaches students to learn and master mathematical concepts in great detail while simultaneously applying a three-step learning process: concretepictorial, and abstract

    Students in 2nd grade usually begin with Dimensions Math 2B in the Winter/Spring term of the school year. Students who finish the 2A math with a 2A final test score of 80% is good to start with level 2B.

    Students may take our free online assessment test for accurate placement before joining the class. You may choose the Singapore math 2A test as the Pretest of this class to find out whether your kid is ready to start math level 2B.  It's normal for students to test lower than their grade level; in contrast, other math programs are not as advanced as the Singapore Math Program. 

    Instructor: Kimberly Balles

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online13

    Math Level 3-B Syllabus and Class Plan

    The goal of this program is to enhance and add supplemental materials to school-taught objectives. We teach this class to ensure that students fully understand new concepts and methods, while also providing homework to develop understanding and build a love for math. According to student level of performance, we will adjust pacing to various levels and include challenge problems.

    In the Winter/Spring term, this class will help students to prepare for the ITBS math. We add ITBS math practice tests after spring break to help students to prepare for the ITBS math test in the coming Fall term.

    This course uses the Singapore Dimensions Math 3B, which is the refined version of Singapore primary math. Singapore math is the proven top math curriculum for elementary students in the world. It teaches students to learn and master mathematical concepts in great detail while simultaneously applying a three-step learning process: concretepictorial, and abstract

    As an added challenge for advanced students, we will selectively use the following Singapore Math supplementary materials in class: Singapore Math Intensive Practice (3A & 3B for Level 3) or Singapore Challenge Word Problems

    Students in 3rd grade usually begin with Dimensions Math 3B in the Winter/Spring term of the school year. Students who finish the 3A math with a 3A final test score of 80% is good to start with level 3B.

    Students may take our free online assessment test for accurate placement before joining the class. You may choose the Singapore math 3A test as the Pretest of this class to find out whether your kid is ready to start math level 3B.  It's normal for students to test lower than their grade level; in contrast, other math programs are not as advanced as the Singapore Math Program. 

    Instructor: Heather Noe

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online13

    Math Level 4-A Syllabus and Class Plan

    The goal of this program is to enhance and add supplemental materials to school-taught objectives. We teach this class to ensure that students fully understand new concepts and methods, while also providing homework to develop understanding and build a love for math. According to student level of performance, we will adjust pacing to various levels and include challenge problems.

    This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA math tests While the math 3B book helps students to build up the advanced math skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online math practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    This course uses the Singapore Dimensions Math 4A, which is the refined version of Singapore primary math. Singapore math is the proven top math curriculum for elementary students in the world. It teaches students to learn and master mathematical concepts in great detail while simultaneously applying a three-step learning process: concretepictorial, and abstract

    Students starting 4th grade usually begin with Dimensions Math 4A and then finish 4B in the second term of the school year. Students who complete the 4A math in the Summer break may start with level 4B at the beginning of the school year.

    If the 4th-grade student is starting 4A in the second term of the school year, we strongly recommend the student to complete level 4B in the coming Summer to catch up.

    Students may take our free online assessment test for accurate placement before joining the class. You may choose the Singapore math 3B test as the Pretest of this class to find out whether your kid is ready to start math level 4A.  It's normal for students to test lower than their grade level; in contrast, other math programs are not as advanced as the Singapore Math Program. 

    Instructor: Heather Noe

  • 02/01 to 06/16  38 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 3:55pm-4:55pm $760/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online13

    Math Level 4-B Syllabus and Class Plan

    The goal of this program is to enhance and add supplemental materials to school-taught objectives and prepare students for the ITBS Math test with the fundamental skills. We teach this class to ensure that students fully understand new concepts and methods, while also providing homework to develop understanding and build a love for math. According to student level of performance, we will adjust pacing to various levels and include challenge problems.

    This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA math tests While the math 3B book helps students to build up the advanced math skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online math practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    This course uses the Singapore Dimensions Math 4B, which is the refined version of Singapore primary math. Singapore math is the proven top math curriculum for elementary students in the world. It teaches students to learn and master mathematical concepts in great detail while simultaneously applying a three-step learning process: concretepictorial, and abstract

    Students in 4th grade usually begin with Dimensions Math 4B in the Winter/Spring term of the school year. Students who finish the 4A math with a 4A final test score of 80% is good to start with level 4B.

    We strongly recommend the 4th-grade students who have finished math level 4B in the school year to learn the math level 5A in the coming Summer. The math level 5A class will further deepen students' math knowledge for the coming ITBS Math test in 5th grade, which is a critical test to qualify for the SUMMA program in middle school. 

    Students may take our free online assessment test for accurate placement before joining the class. You may choose the Singapore math 4A test as the Pretest of this class to find out whether your kid is ready to start math level 4B.  It's normal for students to test lower than their grade level; in contrast, other math programs are not as advanced as the Singapore Math Program. 

    Instructor: Lalith Lulla

  • 01/18 to 06/09  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online8

    Math Level 5-A Syllabus and Class Plan

    The goal of this program is to enhance and add supplemental materials to school-taught objectives. We teach this class to ensure that students fully understand new concepts and methods, while also providing homework to develop understanding and build a love for math. According to student level of performance, we will adjust pacing to various levels and include challenge problems.

    This class will help students to prepare for the ITBS/OSA math tests While the math 3B book helps students to build up the advanced math skills, we also add ITBS/OSA online math practice tests to help students to master the test strategies. BSD school disctrict starts using OSA math/reading tests to qualify SUMMA since 2022. OSA math/reading tests are scheduled for 3rd-5th graders in Spring term. Here is the latest SUMMA information from BSD school district:

    This course uses the Singapore Dimensions Math 5A, which is the refined version of Singapore primary math. Singapore math is the proven top math curriculum for elementary students in the world. It teaches students to learn and master mathematical concepts in great detail while simultaneously applying a three-step learning process: concretepictorial, and abstract

    Students starting 5th grade usually begin with Dimensions Math 5A and then finish 5B in the second term of the school year. Students who complete the 5A math in the Summer break may start with level 5B at the beginning of the school year.

    Students who have finished the math level 5A or 5B with a final test score of 85% above should be able to start PreAlgebra to learn more advanced math for the coming middle school math placement test. Middle school math placement test is usually given to the 6th grade at the beginning of the school year, which is even more critical than the SUMMA tests.

    Students who have finished math level 5A should be able to start with F1: Number to Algebra (middle school math 6/7), and students who have finished math level 5B should be able to start with F2: PreAlgebra (middle school math 7/8)

    Students may take our free online assessment test for accurate placement before joining the class. You may choose the Singapore math 4B test as the Pretest of this class to find out whether your kid is ready to start math level 5A.  It's normal for students to test lower than their grade level; in contrast, other math programs are not as advanced as the Singapore Math Program. 

    Instructor: Kylie McAllister

  • 01/18 to 06/09  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online8

    Math Level 5-B Syllabus and Class Plan

    The goal of this program is to enhance and add supplemental materials to school-taught objectives. We teach this class to ensure that students fully understand new concepts and methods, while also providing homework to develop understanding and build a love for math. According to student level of performance, we will adjust pacing to various levels and include challenge problems.

    This course uses the Singapore Dimensions Math 5B, which is the refined version of Singapore primary math. Singapore math is the proven top math curriculum for elementary students in the world. It teaches students to learn and master mathematical concepts in great detail while simultaneously applying a three-step learning process: concretepictorial, and abstract

    As an added challenge for advanced students, we will selectively use the following Singapore Math supplementary materials in class: Singapore Math Intensive Practice (5A & 5B for Level 5) or Singapore Challenge Word Problems

    Students in 5th grade usually begin with Dimensions Math 5B in the Winter/Spring term of the school year. Students who finish the 5A math with a 5A final test score of 80% is good to start with level 5B.

    Students who have finished the math level 5A or 5B with a final test score of 85% above should be able to start PreAlgebra to learn more advanced math for the coming middle school math placement test. Middle school math placement test is usually given to the 6th grade at the beginning of the school year, which is even more critical than the SUMMA tests.

    Students who have finished math level 5A should be able to start with F1: Number to Algebra (middle school math 6/7), and students who have finished math level 5B should be able to start with F2: PreAlgebra (middle school math 7/8)

    Students may take our free online assessment test for accurate placement before joining the class. You may choose the Singapore math 5A test as the Pretest of this class to find out whether your kid is ready to start math level 5B.  It's normal for students to test lower than their grade level; in contrast, other math programs are not as advanced as the Singapore Math Program. 

    Instructor: Kylie McAllister

  • 01/19 to 06/10  40 Classes Wednesday,Friday 6:15pm-7:15pm $800/term No class on Mar 23 and 25Location: Online8

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts. This course is for 5th graders who are ready to learn more advanced math or 6th graders who need more support to learn the first year of PreAlgebra class in middle schools. The class aligns to Middle School Math 6/7.

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Mathematics California: Student Edition Course 1: Numbers to Algebra

    Chapter 1 - Algebraic Reasoning

    Chapter 2 - Integers

    Chapter 3 - Number Theory and Fractions

    Chapter 4 - Operations with Rational Numbers

    Chapter 5 - Proportional Relationships

    Chapter 6 - Percents

    Chapter 7 - Collecting, Displaying, And Analyzing Data

    Chapter 8 - Probability

    Chapter 9 - Geometric Figures

    Chapter 10 - Measurement and Geometry

    Chapter 11 - Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Leah Hoff

  • 01/14 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Friday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar 21, 25 and May 27, 30Location: Online8

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts.

    This is the second year of PreAlgebra class, which aligns with the Middle School Math 7/8 and plus. The full course usually takes 2 semesters of one school year from Sept-Jun to complete. Students who finish this course will be ready to take the Algebra 1 or AGS 1 course.

    F2: PreAlgebra B is the second term of the F2: PreAlgebra course, following F2: PreAlgebra A. It's usually taught in the winter/spring term.

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Mathematics California: Student Edition Course 2: Pre-Algebra

    PreAlgebra A starts from Chapter 1 and covers Chapters 1 to 5 from Sep to Dec. 

    Chapter 1 - Principles of Algebra

    Chapter 2 - Rational Numbers

    Chapter 3 - Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities

    Chapter 4 - Exponents and Roots

    Chapter 5 - Ratios, Proportions, and Similarity

    F2: PreAlgebra B starts from Chapter 5 and covers Chapters 5 to 12 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 5 - Ratios, Proportions, and Similarity

    Chapter 6 - Percents

    Chapter 7 - Graphs and Functions

    Chapter 8 - Foundations of Geometry

    Chapter 9 - Two-Dimensional Geometry

    Chapter 10 - Three-Dimensional Geometry

    Chapter 11 - Data, Statistics, and Probability

    Chapter 12 - Polynomials

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Leah Hoff

  • 01/18 to 06/14  40 Classes Tuesday, Thursday 5:00pm-6:30pm $1200/term No class on Mar. 22, 24, 31Location: Online9

    This PreAlgebra course is starting late for 5th graders who just finished the SUMMA tests to have a chance to start PreAlgebra. The full curriculum of PreAlgebra will be finished by Jun.

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts.

    This is the second year of PreAlgebra class, which aligns with the Middle School Math 7/8 and plus. The full course usually takes 2 semesters of one school year from Sept-Jun to complete. Students who finish this course will be ready to take the Algebra 1 or AGS 1 course.

    F2: PreAlgebra B is the second term of the F2: PreAlgebra course, following F2: PreAlgebra A. It's usually taught in the winter/spring term.

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Mathematics California: Student Edition Course 2: Pre-Algebra

    PreAlgebra A starts from Chapter 1 and covers Chapters 1 to 5 from Sep to Dec. 

    Chapter 1 - Principles of Algebra

    Chapter 2 - Rational Numbers

    Chapter 3 - Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities

    Chapter 4 - Exponents and Roots

    Chapter 5 - Ratios, Proportions, and Similarity

    F2: PreAlgebra B starts from Chapter 5 and covers Chapters 5 to 12 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 5 - Ratios, Proportions, and Similarity

    Chapter 6 - Percents

    Chapter 7 - Graphs and Functions

    Chapter 8 - Foundations of Geometry

    Chapter 9 - Two-Dimensional Geometry

    Chapter 10 - Three-Dimensional Geometry

    Chapter 11 - Data, Statistics, and Probability

    Chapter 12 - Polynomials

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Lalith Lulla

  • 01/18 to 06/14  40 Classes Tuesday, Friday 5:00pm-6:30pm $1200/term No class on Mar. 18, 22, 25Location: Online13

    This is a fast paced PreAlgebra course for students who are motivated to finish the full year PreAlgebra curriculum in Winter/Spring term. A solid math foundation and more homework time are required to be successful in this course.

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts.

    This is the second year of PreAlgebra class, which aligns with the Middle School Math 7/8 and plus. The full course usually takes 2 semesters of one school year from Sept-Jun to complete. Students who finish this course will be ready to take the Algebra 1 or AGS 1 course.

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Mathematics California: Student Edition Course 2: Pre-Algebra

    PreAlgebra A starts from Chapter 1 and covers Chapters 1 to 5 from Sep to Dec. 

    Chapter 1 - Principles of Algebra

    Chapter 2 - Rational Numbers

    Chapter 3 - Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities

    Chapter 4 - Exponents and Roots

    Chapter 5 - Ratios, Proportions, and Similarity

    PreAlgebra B starts from Chapter 5 and covers Chapters 6 to 12 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 6 - Percents

    Chapter 7 - Graphs and Functions

    Chapter 8 - Foundations of Geometry

    Chapter 9 - Two-Dimensional Geometry

    Chapter 10 - Three-Dimensional Geometry

    Chapter 11 - Data, Statistics, and Probability

    Chapter 12 - Polynomials

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Lalith Lulla

  • 01/14 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Friday 6:30pm-7:30pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 25 and May 27, 30Location: Online16

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts.

    The goal of this course is to study and solidify students' Algebra 1 (AGS II part of Algebra) knowledge before taking the Geometry class. The full course takes 2 semesters, or one school year, from Sept-Jun to complete. 

    F3: Algebra 1-B is the second course of the F3: Algebra 1 series, following F3: Algebra 1-A. It's usually scheduled in the winter/spring term. Students who finish this course are ready to start F4: Geometry

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Algebra 1 - Algebra Textbook - Brightstorm

    Holt Mathematics California Algebra 1, Student Edition

    F3: Algebra 1-A starts from Chapter 1 and covers Chapters 1 to 5 from Sep to Dec. 

    Chapter 1 - Foundations of Algebra

    Chapter 2 - Equations

    Chapter 3 - Inequalities

    Chapter 4 - Functions 

    Chapter 5 - Linear Functions

    F3: Algebra 1-B starts from Chapter 6 and covers Chapters 6 to 12 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 6 - Systems of Equations and Inequalities 

    Chapter 7 - Exponents and Polynomials

    Chapter 8 - Factoring Polynomials

    Chapter 9 - Quadratic Functions and Equations

    Chapter 10 - Rational Functions and Equations

    Chapter 11 - Radical and Exponential Functions

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Maggie Greenwood

  • 01/18 to 06/11  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 6:15pm-7:30pm $1000/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online16

    This is a fast paced Algebra 1 course for students who are motivated to finish the full year Algebra 1 curriculum in Winter/Spring term. A solid math foundation and more homework time are required to be successful in this course.

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts.

    This is a fast-paced Algebra 1 class. Students who finish this course will complete the Algebra parts in AGS 1 and AGS II. Together with completion of Geometry course, students will be ready to take Algebra 2 or AGS III.

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Algebra 1 - Algebra Textbook - Brightstorm

    Holt Mathematics California Algebra 1, Student Edition

    Chapter 1 - Foundations of Algebra

    Chapter 2 - Equations

    Chapter 3 - Inequalities

    Chapter 4 - Functions 

    Chapter 5 - Linear Functions

    Chapter 6 - Systems of Equations and Inequalities 

    Chapter 7 - Exponents and Polynomials

    Chapter 8 - Factoring Polynomials

    Chapter 9 - Quadratic Functions and Equations

    Chapter 10 - Rational Functions and Equations

    Chapter 11 - Radical and Exponential Functions

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Maggie Greenwood

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 3:00pm-4:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online8

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to geometry and related concepts.

    The goal of this course is to study and solidify students' Geometry knowledge before taking the Algebra 2 class. The full course takes 2 semesters, or one school year, from Sept-Jun to complete.

    F4: Geometry B is the second course of the Geometry series, following F4: Geometry A. It's usually scheduled in the winter/spring term. Students who finish this course are ready to start F5: Algebra 2 or AGS 3

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Mathematics California Geometry, Student Edition

    F4: Geometry A covers Chapters 1 to 5 from Sep to Dec.

    Chapter 1 - Foundations for Geometry

    Chapter 2 - Geometry Reasoning

    Chapter 3 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

    Chapter 4 - Triangle Congruence

    Chapter 5 - Properties and Attributes of Triangles

    F4: Geometry B covers Chapters 6-12 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 6 - Polygons and Quadrilaterals

    Chapter 7 - Similarity

    Chapter 8 - Right Triangles and Trigonometry

    Chapter 9 - Extending Perimeter, Circumference, and Area

    Chapter 10 - Spatial Reasoning

    Chapter 11 - Circles

    Chapter 12 - Extending Transformational Geometry

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Yunhan Duan

  • 01/31 to 06/17  38 Classes Monday,Friday 5:00pm-6:15pm $950/term No class on Mar. 21, 25Location: Online3

    This is a fast paced Algebra 2/AGS 3 course for students who are motivated to finish the full year Algebra 2/AGS 3 curriculum in Winter/Spring term. A solid math foundation and more homework time are required to be successful in this course.

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts. Successful completion of the Algebra 2 course will help prepare students for pre-calculus and math tests like the SAT and the ACT.

    The full course takes 2 semesters, or one school year, from Sept-Jun to complete.

    Text Book (free rental for duration of the class)

    Holt Mathematics California Algebra 2, Student Edition

    The Fall term will cover Chapter 1 to 6 from Sep to Dec.

    Chapter 1 - Foundations For Functions

    Chapter 2 - Linear Functions

    Chapter 3 - Linear Systems

    Chapter 4 - Matrices

    Chapter 5 - Quadratic Functions

    Chapter 6 - Polynomial Functions

    The Spring term will cover Chapter 7-14 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 7 - Exponential And Logarithmic Functions

    Chapter 8 - Rational And Radical Functions

    Chapter 9 - Properties And Attributes Of Functions

    Chapter 10 - Conic Sections

    Chapter 11 - Probability And Statistics

    Chapter 12 - Sequences And Series

    Chapter 13 - Trigonometric Functions

    Chapter 14 - Trigonometric Graphs And Identities

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Scott Martin

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 4:30pm-6:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online8

    The Sunshine Elite fundamental math program is designed to enhance the school-learned curriculum by building up critical thinking in regard to algebra and related concepts. 

    The full course of F5: Algebra II takes 2 semesters of one school year, from Sept-Jun to complete. F5: Algebra II B is the second course of the F5: Algebra II, following F5:Algebra II A. It's usually scheduled in the winter/spring term. Students who finish this class are ready to take the F6: PreCalculus or ready to prepare for the SAT math test.

    Text Book (free rental for the duration of the class)

    Holt Mathematics California Algebra 2, Student Edition

    F5: Algebra II A covers Chapters 1 to 6 from Sep to Dec.

    Chapter 1 - Foundations For Functions

    Chapter 2 - Linear Functions

    Chapter 3 - Linear Systems

    Chapter 4 - Matrices

    Chapter 5 - Quadratic Functions

    Chapter 6 - Polynomial Functions

    F5: Algebra II B covers Chapters 7-14 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 7 - Exponential And Logarithmic Functions

    Chapter 8 - Rational And Radical Functions

    Chapter 9 - Properties And Attributes Of Functions

    Chapter 10 - Conic Sections

    Chapter 11 - Probability And Statistics

    Chapter 12 - Sequences And Series

    Chapter 13 - Trigonometric Functions

    Chapter 14 - Trigonometric Graphs And Identities

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Yunhan Duan

  • 01/22 to 04/30  15 Classes Saturday 6:00pm-7:30pm $565/term Location: Online3

    AP Calculus BC Exam Prep class

    This class reviews concepts and skills covered in AP Calculus AB & BC for students who are preparing for the AP Calculus BC test. This class prepares AP and IB students getting ready for AP exam in May. 

    Class Material and Textbook:
    1. Barron's AP Calculus Review
    2. Practice Assignment from College Board 


    Instructor: Brenden Greenwood

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online19

    AGS 1B is the second half of the course AGS 1, which is scheduled in the Winter/Spring term.

    We teach the AGS I class using the Holt California Algebra I / Geometry curriculum to build up the fundamental concepts and skills in the series that AGS I requires, with much more in-depth understanding. We also use the AGS I curriculum to ensure the class aligns with the required skills in AGS I.  

    Who will benefit from this class?

    • Students taking AGS I class in school but need more support to learn AGS I systematically with clear instruction and more in-depth understanding.
    • Students who want to prepare for the skip-level math placement test for the following school year.

    Textbooks: (free to rent for the duration of the course)

    Algebra I / Geometry Holt California Edition; AGS I supportive material 

    AGS 1A will cover Modules 1 to 5 from Sept to Dec in 14 classes.

    Module 1: Sequences

    Module 2: Linear & Exponential Functions

    Module 3: Features of Functions

    Module 4: Equations & Inequalities

    Module 5: Systems of Equations & Inequalities

    AGS 1B will cover Modules 6-9 and Reviews from Jan-Jun in 20 classes.

    Review Modules 1-5

    Module 6: Transformations & Symmetry

    Module 7: Congruence, Construction & Proof

    Module 8: Connecting Algebra & Geometry

    Module 9: Modeling Data

    Review Modules 1-9

    Reference: Contents Comparison from AGS I to Algebra I, Geometry

    AGS I  Contents in Algebra I/Geometry
    Module 1: Sequences Chapter 1-6 in Algebra I
    Module 2: Linear & Exponential Functions
    Module 3: Features of Functions
    Module 4: Equations & Inequalities
    Module 5: Systems of Equations & Inequalities
    Module 6: Transformations & Symmetry Chapter 1 & 4 in Geometry
    Module 7: Congruence, Construction & Proof
    Module 8: Connecting Algebra & Geometry
    Module 9: Modeling Data Statistics in PreAlgebra and Algebra I

     To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment tests at

    Instructor: Connor Nelson

  • 01/17 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday,Wednesday 6:00pm-7:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21, 23, May 30Location: Online19

    AGS 2B is the second course of AGS 2, which is usually scheduled in the Winter/Spring term. Students who finish this course will be ready to take the AGS 3 course next year.

    AGS 2 is the full school year curriculum. This is the supportive/enhanced AGS II class taught in a different way. We are teaching AGS II at sunshine using the Holt California Algebra I / Geometry curriculum to build up the fundamental concepts and skills in the sequence that AGS I requires, with much more in-depth understanding. We also use the AGS II curriculum to ensure the class is aligning with the topics in AGS II.

    Who will benefit from this class?

    • Students who are taking AGS 2 at school but need more support to learn AGS 2 systematically with clear instruction and more in-depth understanding.
    • Students who want to learn ahead of what they are learning at school to prepare for the skip-level math placement test for the next school year.


    Algebra I / Geometry Holt California Edition;

    AGS II supportive materials.

    Note: All class materials and books are offered in PDF files via the class page.

    Below are the topics in AGS II taught in the normal school year.

    AGS 2A covers Modules 1 to 4 from Sep to Dec in 14 weeks

    Module 1: Quadratic Functions

    Module 2: Structures of Expressions

    Module 3: Quadratic Equations

    Module 4: More Functions, More Features

    AGS 2B covers Modules 5-9 from Jan-Jun in 20 classes.

    Module 5: Geometric Figures

    Module 6: Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry

    Module 7: Circles from a Geometric Perspective

    Module 8: Circles and Other Conics

    Module 9: Probability

    Review Modules 1-9

    Reference: Contents and Comparison from AGS II to Algebra I, Geometry

    AGS II Contents in Algebra I/Geometry
    Module 1: Quadratic Functions Chapter 9, 10 in Algebra I & Piecewise Functions
    Module 2: Structures of Expressions
    Module 3: Quadratic Equations
    Module 4: More Functions, More Features
    Module 5: Geometric Figures Chapter 5-8 & 11 in Geometry & Chapter 10 in Algebra II
    Module 6: Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry
    Module 7: Circles from a Geometric Perspective
    Module 8: Circles and Other Conics
    Module 9: Probability In PreAlgebra and some in Algebra II

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment tests at

    Instructor: Connor Nelson

  • 03/01 to 06/23  32 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 7:00pm-8:30pm $1200/term Location: Online

    This is a fast paced AGS II course for students who are motivated to finish the full year AGS II curriculum in Winter/Spring term. A solid math foundation and more homework time are required to be successful in this course.

    AGS II is the full school year curriculum. This is the supportive/enhanced AGS II class taught in a different way. We are teaching AGS II at sunshine using the Holt California Algebra I / Geometry curriculum to build up the fundamental concepts and skills in the sequence that AGS I requires, with much more in-depth understanding. We also use the AGS II curriculum to ensure the class is aligning with the topics in AGS II.

    Who will benefit from this class?

    • Students who are taking AGS II at school but need more support to learn AGS II systematically with clear instruction and more in-depth understanding.
    • Students who want to learn ahead of what they are learning at school to prepare for the skip-level math placement test for the next school year.


    Algebra I / Geometry Holt California Edition;

    AGS II supportive materials.

    Note: All class materials and books are offered in PDF files via the class page.

    Below are the topics in AGS II taught in the normal school year.

    The Fall term will cover Modules 1 to 4 from Sep to Dec in 14 class.

    Module 1: Quadratic Functions

    Module 2: Structures of Expressions

    Module 3: Quadratic Equations

    Module 4: More Functions, More Features

    The Spring term will cover Modules 5-9 from Jan-Jun in 20 classes.

    Module 5: Geometric Figures

    Module 6: Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry

    Module 7: Circles from a Geometric Perspective

    Module 8: Circles and Other Conics

    Module 9: Probability

    Review Modules 1-9

    Reference: Contents and Comparison from AGS II to Algebra I, Geometry

    AGS II Contents in Algebra I/Geometry
    Module 1: Quadratic Functions Chapter 9, 10 in Algebra I & Piecewise Functions
    Module 2: Structures of Expressions
    Module 3: Quadratic Equations
    Module 4: More Functions, More Features
    Module 5: Geometric Figures Chapter 5-8 & 11 in Geometry & Chapter 10 in Algebra II
    Module 6: Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry
    Module 7: Circles from a Geometric Perspective
    Module 8: Circles and Other Conics
    Module 9: Probability In PreAlgebra and some in Algebra II

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment tests at

    Instructor: Lalith Lulla;  Joanne Rees

  • 01/18 to 06/09  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online7

    AGS 3B is the second course of AGS 3, which is usually scheduled in the Winter/Spring term. Students who successfully finish this Algebra 2 /AGS 3 course are ready to take the F5: PreCalculus or ready to prepare for the SAT math test. 

    AGS 3 is the full school year curriculum. This is the supportive/enhanced AGS 3 class taught in a different way. We are teaching AGS 3 at sunshine using the Holt California Algebra 2 curriculum to build up the fundamental concepts and skills in the sequence that AGS 3 requires, with much more in-depth understanding. We also use the AGS 3 curriculum to ensure the class is aligning with the topics in AGS 3.

    Who will benefit from this class?

    • Students who are taking AGS 3 at school but need more support to learn AGS 3 systematically with clear instruction and more in-depth understanding.
    • Students who want to learn ahead of what they are learning at school to prepare for the skip-level math placement test for the next school year.


    1. Holt Mathematics California Algebra 2, Student Edition
    2. AGS III Assessment tests from MVP

    AGS 3A covers Chapters 1 to 6 from Sept. to Dec.

    Chapter 1 - Foundations For Functions

    Chapter 2 - Linear Functions

    Chapter 3 - Linear Systems

    Chapter 4 - Matrices

    Chapter 5 - Quadratic Functions

    Chapter 6 - Polynomial Functions

    AGS 3B covers Chapters 7-14 from Jan. to June.

    Chapter 7 - Exponential And Logarithmic Functions

    Chapter 8 - Rational And Radical Functions

    Chapter 9 - Properties And Attributes Of Functions

    Chapter 10 - Conic Sections

    Chapter 11 - Probability And Statistics

    Chapter 12 - Sequences And Series

    Chapter 13 - Trigonometric Functions

    Chapter 14 - Trigonometric Graphs And Identities

    The topics in AGS III align with Algebra 2 (see below). 

    AGS III Contents in Algebra II
    Module 1: Functions and Their Inverses Chapter 1-6 in Algebra II
    Module 2: Logarithmic Functions
    Module 3: Polynomial Functions
    Module 4: Rational Expressions and Functions
    Module 5: Modeling with Geometry Chapter 10 in Geometry
    Module 6: Modeling Periodic Behavior Chapter 7-12 in Algebra II
    Module 7: Trig. Functions Equations & Identities
    Module 8: Modeling with Functions
    Module 9: Statistics

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment tests at

    Instructor: Connor Nelson;  Joanne Rees

  • 01/11 to 06/10  38 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Feb 8, 10, Mar. 22, 24 and Apr. 26, 28Location: Online18

    Prerequisites: Completion of Beast Academy 2A and 2B.

    There are 4 books in Beast Academy Level 2: 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D. This class covers the winter/spring term and the third and fourth books in the series (2C and 2D).

    • Beast Academy Level 2C includes chapters on measurement, strategies, and odds and evens.
    • Beast Academy Level 2D includes chapters on big numbers, algorithms, and problem solving.

    Beast Academy is published by Art of Problem-Solving as an introduction to their rigorous middle school and high school textbooks. It's a comprehensive curriculum for grades 2-5. Each level consists of a Guide book (a fully-illustrated textbook written in an engaging, comic-book style) and a Practice book (a workbook providing hundreds of exercises, problems, puzzles, and games to reinforce the lessons from the Guide).

    The guides utilize many everyday contexts and visual representations to encourage children to think deeply and understand what they’re learning. This encourages a diminishment of rote learning and an increase of applying mathematics to various situations. 

    The materials cover core fundamentals and then present these fundamentals at a deeper and more challenging level than a typical elementary-school math curriculum. The problem sets are explicitly designed to help students develop the mental grit to handle AMC and Math Olympiad problems and later tackle the kind of non-trivial open questions that real mathematicians work on. 

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Angela Norse

  • 01/12 to 06/10  38 Classes Wednesday,Friday 3:55pm-4:55pm $800/term No class on Feb 9,11, Mar. 23, 25 and Apr. 27, 29Location: Online18

    Prerequisites: Completion of Beast Academy 3A and 3B.

    There are 4 books in Beast Academy Level 2: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D. This class covers the winter/spring term and the third and fourth books in the series (3C and 3D).

    • BA Level 3C includes chapters on variables, division, and measurement.
    • BA Level 3D includes chapters on fractions, estimation, and area.

    Beast Academy is published by Art of Problem-Solving as an introduction to their rigorous middle school and high school textbooks. It's a comprehensive curriculum for grades 2-5. Each level consists of a Guide book (a fully-illustrated textbook written in an engaging, comic-book style) and a Practice book (a workbook providing hundreds of exercises, problems, puzzles, and games to reinforce the lessons from the Guide).

    The guides utilize many everyday contexts and visual representations to encourage children to think deeply and understand what they’re learning. This encourages a diminishment of rote learning and an increase in applying mathematics to various situations. 

    The materials cover core fundamentals and then present these fundamentals at a deeper and more challenging level than a typical elementary-school math curriculum. The problem sets are explicitly designed to help students develop the mental grit to handle AMC and Math Olympiad problems and later tackle the kind of non-trivial open questions that real mathematicians work on. 

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Angela Norse

  • 01/11 to 06/10  38 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Feb. 8, 10, Mar. 22, 24 and Apr. 26, 28Location: Online18

    Prerequisites: Completion of Beast Academy 4A and 4B.

    There are 4 books in Beast Academy Level 2: 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D. This class covers the winter/spring term and the third and fourth books in the series (4C and 4D).

    • Beast Academy 4C covers factors, fractions, and integers
    • Beast Academy 4D covers fractions, decimals, and probability

    Beast Academy is published by Art of Problem-Solving as an introduction to their rigorous middle school and high school textbooks. It's a comprehensive curriculum for grades 2-5. Each level consists of a Guide book (a fully-illustrated textbook written in an engaging, comic-book style) and a Practice book (a workbook providing hundreds of exercises, problems, puzzles, and games to reinforce the lessons from the Guide).

    The guides utilize many everyday contexts and visual representations to encourage children to think deeply and understand what they’re learning. This encourages a diminishment of rote learning and an increase of applying mathematics to various situations. 

    The materials cover core fundamentals and then present these fundamentals at a deeper and more challenging level than a typical elementary-school math curriculum. The problem sets are explicitly designed to help students develop the mental grit to handle AMC and Math Olympiad problems and later tackle the kind of non-trivial open questions that real mathematicians work on. 

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Angela Norse

  • 01/12 to 06/10  38 Classes Wednesday,Friday 6:00pm-7:00pm $800/term No class on Feb. 9,11, Mar. 23, 25 and Apr. 27, 29Location: Online18

    Prerequisites: Completion of Beast Academy 4A and 4B.

    There are 4 books in Beast Academy Level 2: 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D. This class covers the winter/spring term and the third and fourth books in the series (4C and 4D).

    • Beast Academy 4C covers factors, fractions, and integers
    • Beast Academy 4D covers fractions, decimals, and probability

    Beast Academy is published by Art of Problem-Solving as an introduction to their rigorous middle school and high school textbooks. It's a comprehensive curriculum for grades 2-5. Each level consists of a Guide book (a fully-illustrated textbook written in an engaging, comic-book style) and a Practice book (a workbook providing hundreds of exercises, problems, puzzles, and games to reinforce the lessons from the Guide).

    The guides utilize many everyday contexts and visual representations to encourage children to think deeply and understand what they’re learning. This encourages a diminishment of rote learning and an increase of applying mathematics to various situations. 

    The materials cover core fundamentals and then present these fundamentals at a deeper and more challenging level than a typical elementary-school math curriculum. The problem sets are explicitly designed to help students develop the mental grit to handle AMC and Math Olympiad problems and later tackle the kind of non-trivial open questions that real mathematicians work on. 

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Angela Norse

  • 01/11 to 06/10  38 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 6:00pm-7:00pm $800/term No class on Feb. 8, 10, Mar. 22, 24 and Apr. 26, 28Location: Online18

    Prerequisites: Completion of Beast Academy 5A and 5B.

    There are 4 books in Beast Academy Level 2: 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D. This class covers the winter/spring term and the third and fourth books in the series (5C and 5D).

    • Beast Academy 5C covers sequences, ratios/rates, and decimals
    • Beast Academy 5D covers percents, square roots, and exponents

    Beast Academy is published by Art of Problem-Solving as an introduction to their rigorous middle school and high school textbooks. It's a comprehensive curriculum for grades 2-5. Each level consists of a Guide book (a fully-illustrated textbook written in an engaging, comic-book style) and a Practice book (a workbook providing hundreds of exercises, problems, puzzles, and games to reinforce the lessons from the Guide).

    The guides utilize many everyday contexts and visual representations to encourage children to think deeply and understand what they’re learning. This encourages a diminishment of rote learning and an increase in applying mathematics to various situations. 

    The materials cover core fundamentals and then present these fundamentals at a deeper and more challenging level than a typical elementary-school math curriculum. The problem sets are explicitly designed to help students develop the mental grit to handle AMC and Math Olympiad problems and later tackle the kind of non-trivial open questions that real mathematicians work on. 

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Angela Norse

  • 01/12 to 06/10  38 Classes Wednesday,Friday 5:00pm-6:00pm $800/term No class on Feb. 9, 11, Mar. 23, 25 and Apr. 27, 29Location: Online18

    Prerequisites: Completion of Beast Academy 5A and 5B.

    There are 4 books in Beast Academy Level 2: 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D. This class covers the winter/spring term and the third and fourth books in the series (5C and 5D).

    • Beast Academy 5C covers sequences, ratios/rates, and decimals
    • Beast Academy 5D covers percents, square roots, and exponents

    Beast Academy is published by Art of Problem-Solving as an introduction to their rigorous middle school and high school textbooks. It's a comprehensive curriculum for grades 2-5. Each level consists of a Guide book (a fully-illustrated textbook written in an engaging, comic-book style) and a Practice book (a workbook providing hundreds of exercises, problems, puzzles, and games to reinforce the lessons from the Guide).

    The guides utilize many everyday contexts and visual representations to encourage children to think deeply and understand what they’re learning. This encourages a diminishment of rote learning and an increase in applying mathematics to various situations. 

    The materials cover core fundamentals and then present these fundamentals at a deeper and more challenging level than a typical elementary-school math curriculum. The problem sets are explicitly designed to help students develop the mental grit to handle AMC and Math Olympiad problems and later tackle the kind of non-trivial open questions that real mathematicians work on. 

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Angela Norse

  • 01/18 to 06/09  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 6:15pm-7:30pm $1000/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online8

    AoPS curriculum enhances school-taught learning at the problem-solving and advanced levels. It is also the foundation of competition math. 

    This full course takes 2 semesters, or one school year, from Sept-June to complete.

    PreAlgebra A (fall term) includes a thorough exploration of the fundamentals of arithmetic, including fractions, exponents, and decimals. We introduce beginning topics in number theory and algebra, including common divisors and multiples, primes and prime factorizations, basic equations and inequalities, and ratios.

    PreAlgebra B (winter/spring term) includes percents, square roots, exploration of geometric tools and strategies, topics of discrete mathematics and statistics, and a discussion of general problem-solving strategies.

    PreAlgebra prepares students for the rigors of algebra and also teaches students problem-solving techniques to prepare them for prestigious middle school math contests such as MATHCOUNTS, MOEMS, and the AMC 8.


    The text is structured to inspire the reader to explore and develop new ideas. Each section starts with problems, giving the student a chance to solve them without help before proceeding. The text then includes solutions and explanations to these problems. Important facts and powerful problem-solving approaches are highlighted throughout the text. In addition to the instructional material, the book contains well over 1000 problems.

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Leah Hoff

  • 01/10 to 06/03  36 Classes Monday,Wednesday 6:00pm-7:00pm $800/term No class on Feb 7, 9, Mar 21, 23, Apr 25, 27Location: Online17

    AoPS Intro to Algebra is the math foundation class for advanced math learners and competition math. The class content goes beyond the school-based Algebra curriculum.

    Algebra A (fall term) starts from Chapter 1 and covers Chapters 1 to 10.

    Algebra B (winter/spring term) starts from Chapter 11 and covers Chapters 11 to 22.

    Textbook: Introduction to Algebra

    The topics in this book include the following: Exponents and radicals, linear equations and inequalities, ratios and proportions, factoring quadratics, complex numbers, completing the square, and the quadratic formula.

    The text is structured to inspire the reader to explore and develop new ideas. Each section starts with problems, giving the student a chance to solve them without help before proceeding. The text then includes solutions and explanations to these problems. Important facts and powerful problem-solving approaches are highlighted throughout the text. In addition to the instructional material, the book contains well over 1000 problems.

    This book can serve as a complete Algebra I course, and also includes many concepts covered in Algebra II. Middle school students preparing for MATHCOUNTS, high school students preparing for the AMC, and other students seeking to master the fundamentals of algebra will find this book an instrumental part of their mathematics libraries.

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Note: Books in PDF will be uploaded to the students' class page before the term starts. You may also buy the textbooks at the group discount price on Sunshine's website via the Courses page.

    Instructor: Manny Norse

  • 01/11 to 06/03  36 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 5:30pm-7:00pm $1200/term No class on Feb. 8, 10, Mar. 22, 24 and Apr. 26,28Location: Online17

    AoPS Geometry is the math foundation class for advanced math learners and competition math. The class content goes beyond the school-based Geometry curriculum.

    Geometry A starts from Chapter 1 and covers Chapters 1 to 9

    Geometry B starts from Chapter 10 and covers Chapters 10 to 19

    Textbook: Introduction to Geometry

    The topics in this book include the following: similar triangles, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, funky areas, power of a point, three-dimensional geometry, transformations, introductory trigonometry, and more.

    The text is structured to inspire the reader to explore and develop new ideas. Each section starts with problems, giving the student a chance to solve them without help before proceeding. The text then includes solutions and explanations to these problems. Important facts and powerful problem-solving approaches are highlighted throughout the text. In addition to the instructional material, the book contains well over 900 problems.

    This book serves as a complete geometry course and is ideal for students who have mastered basic algebra, such as solving linear equations. Middle school students preparing for MATHCOUNTS, high school students preparing for the AMC, and other students seeking to master the fundamentals of geometry will find this book an instrumental part of their mathematics libraries.

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Manny Norse

  • 01/12 to 06/03  36 Classes Wednesday,Friday 4:30pm-6:00pm $1200/term No class on Feb. 9, 11, Mar. 23, 25 and Apr. 27, 29Location: Online17

    AoPS Intermediate Algebra is the math foundation class for advance math learners and competition math. The class content goes beyond school-based Algebra II curriulum.

    Intermediate Algebra A starts from Chapter 1 and covers Chapters 1 to 9

    Intermediate Algebra B starts from Chapter 10 and covers Chapters 10 to 20


    Textbook: Intermediate Algebra

    The topics in this book include the following: advanced quadratics, polynomials, conics, general functions, logarithms, clever factorizations and substitutions, systems of equations, sequences, and series, symmetric sums, advanced factoring methods, classical inequalities, functional equations, and more.

    This comprehensive textbook is the follow-up to the acclaimed Introduction to Algebra textbook. It covers Algebra 2 and topics in Precalculus, as well as advanced topics such as problem-solving strategies required for success on the AMC and AIME competitions.

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at

    Instructor: Manny Norse

  • 01/18 to 06/16  40 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 5:30pm-7:00pm $1200/term No class on Mar. 22, 24Location: Online7

    AoPS Pre-calculus is the math foundation class for advanced math learners and competition math. The class content goes beyond the school-based Pre-calculus curriculum.

    Precalculus covers trigonometry, complex numbers, vectors, and matrices. It includes nearly 1000 problems, ranging from routine exercises to extremely challenging problems drawn from major mathematics competitions such as the American Invitational Mathematics Exam and the USA Mathematical Olympiad.

    We will also add some AMC 10/AMC 12 practice tests as homework to help students to prepare for the upcoming AMC exams in January and February. 

    This class typically follows the Intermediate Algebra course. Students should have completed an honors Algebra 2 or an equivalent course before considering this class.

    PreCalculus A covers Chapters 1-5 in the Fall term.

    PreCalculus A covers Chapters 6-13 in Winter/Spring term.

    Textbook: AoPS PreCalculus

    Art of Problem Solving Precalculus Textbook and Solutions Manual 2-Book Set

    To ensure your child is a good fit for this class, you may have him or her take the online math assessment test at


    Instructor: Jun Chen;  Joanne Rees

  • 01/16 to 06/12  20 Classes Sunday 5:00pm-6:00pm $400/term No class on Mar 20, May 29 and Jun 12Location: Online3

    This Math Competition class for grades 4-6 will focus on learning and practicing problem-solving skills with the materials from all the following 3 contests. Students enrolled in this class will be invited to the online adaptive learning system for the Math League contest.

    Math Olympiad stimulates enthusiasm and a love for mathematics. It teaches strategies for problem-solving and developing mathematical flexibility in solving problems. 

    Math League expands on basic math concepts taught in schools by using more challenging questions and word problems, requiring students to use critical thinking to complete each question accurately and in a timely manner.  All questions must be finished in the allotted time, and due to this constraint, the course focuses on practical strategies to quickly and accurately answer these types of questions.

    Math Kangaroo is a great way to introduce elementary school students to the world of competitive math. It is an interactive, prize-based competition consisting of puzzles and logic-type problems. Math Kangaroo is open to students in grades 1 - 12; the competition offers 24 problems to be solved within 75 minutes for grades 1-5 and 30 questions for students in grades 5 and up. 

    Instructor: Anay Aggarwal;  Andrew Su

  • 01/11 to 06/03  36 Classes Tuesday,Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm $800/term No class on Feb. 8, 19, Mar. 22, 24 and Apr. 26, 28Location: Online17

    MathCounts is a national middle school mathematics competition that builds problem-solving skills and fosters achievement through four levels of fun, in-person "bee" style contests. It provides engaging math programs to middle school students to build confidence and improve attitudes towards math and problem-solving. This class mainly works on the school and regional level of MathCounts problems.

    The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple-choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The contest is held in November every year and for students in grades 8 and below.

    This class is designed to learn the common problem-solving strategies for both competitions and also working on the previous years of competition for practice.  By the end of the class, students will have been exposed to hundreds of MathCounts/AMC 8 test questions to help them to succeed.

    The focus of this class is on test-taking strategies and critical thinking skills. Most students have the basic knowledge they need to take the competition, so our philosophy is to help students in the other requirements of the competition, namely, accuracy and speed.  The test-taking strategies taught in this class will help students not only in the competitions but also in the future for taking other tests inside and outside of school (such as the SAT and ACT).

    Prerequisites: Students have completed AGS I or Algebra I. For great achievements in the competitions, students find that AoPS Algebra class helps a lot along with this competition class.

    Note: The class materials used for this class are not repeated in 2 years. So students may join this class multiple times in 2 years to refine their competition skills.

    Instructor: Manny Norse

  • 01/10 to 06/03  36 Classes Monday 4:30pm-5:30pm,Friday 6:30pm-7:30pm $800/term No class on Feb. 7, 11, Mar. 21, 25 and Apr. 25, 29Location: Online17

    MathCounts is a national middle school mathematics competition that builds problem-solving skills and fosters achievement through four levels of fun, in-person "bee" style contests. The four levels of MathCounts competitions are School, Regional, State, National, from easy to hard. This class is to prepare competitive students for the state and national level of MathCounts competition.

    The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 10 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. It is held in February for students in grades 10 and below.

    This course uses many previously used AMC/MathCounts questions both for class and homework.  In addition, we use many supplemental questions taken from competition math textbooks that will be used for homework to further reinforce the strategies and concepts taught in class.  By the end of the course, students will be exposed to thousands of AMC/MathCounts test questions.

    The focus of this class is on test-taking strategies and critical thinking skills. Most students have the basic knowledge they need to take the competition, so our philosophy is to help students in the other requirements of the competition, namely, accuracy and speed.

    Prerequisites: Students have completed AGS II or Algebra I and Geometry. For great achievements in the competitions, students find that AoPS Algebra and Geometry class helps to build up the foundation along with this competition class.

    Note: The class materials used for this class are not repeated in 2 years. So students may join this class multiple times in 2 years to refine their competition skills.

    Instructor: Manny Norse

  • 01/22 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 4:30pm-6:00pm $600/term No class on May 28Location: Online11

    The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are nationwide tests administered by the Mathematical Association of America that qualify you for the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME). Only those with top scores will be invited to take the AIME. The MAA recommends 9th and 10th graders take the AMC 10, and 11th and 12th graders take the AMC 12. You can take the AMC 10 and/or 12 multiple times.

    The AMC 10 and AMC 12 each have 25 questions. You have 75 minutes for the entire exam. Note that you don't need to get all of the questions right to get a qualifying score. You just have to do better than most of the other students taking the exam! Keep that in mind as you come up with a strategy for the test.

    You need to be in the top 5% of scorers on the AMC 12 or the top 2.5% of scorers on the AMC 10 to qualify, so the vast majority of people who take the AMC exams don't qualify. But, if you do qualify, you can take the American Invitation Mathematics Examination, or AIME.

    If you do well on the AIME, you can qualify for the US Mathematical Olympiad. The top scorers from that competition then have the opportunity to train to be on the US team that competes at the International Math Olympiad. (You can find more info on this process over at the Mathematical Association of American website .)

    It's a long process to get to the IMO, and very few students make it that far. But even just taking the AIME can set you apart in the college admissions process, especially if you are interested in engineering programs. Along with a high GPA and strong SAT/ACT scores, taking the AIME is a way to signal to colleges you have superior math and problem-solving skills.

    This course will help students to be more ready for do well on AMC 10/12 tests. We will use customized materials for different topics in the competition and also use many previously AMC 10/12 questions both in class and for homework.

    Instructor: Noah Walsh

  • 12/08 to 02/04  14 Classes Wednesday,Friday 4:30pm-5:30pm $300/term No class on Dec 22, 24, 29 and 31Location: Online11

    The AIME competition is scheduled in February, 2022 for the school year of 2021-2022. This class will continue to help students to prepare for the test, after the AMC 10/12 tests in November.

    American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) is a multiple choice exam. The questions in AIME are roughly in order of increasing difficulty. The early questions are much easier than olympiad questions.

    Any student who scores in the top 2.5% on the AMC 10, or in the top 5% on the AMC 12 is invited to take the AIME

    If you do well on the AIME, you can qualify for the US Mathematical Olympiad. The top scorers from that competition then have the opportunity to train to be on the US team that competes at the International Math Olympiad. (You can find more info on this process over at the Mathematical Association of American website .)

    If you took the AMC 10, you'll compete in the USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO). Students who took the AMC 12 will compete in the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). The top roughly 200 participants from AMC 12 and AIME qualify for the USA Mathematics Olympiad (USAMO), while the top roughly 200 participants from the AMC 10 and AIME qualify for the USA Junior Mathematics Olympiad (USAJMO).

    It's a long process to get to the IMO, and very few students make it that far. But even just taking the AIME can set you apart in the college admissions process, especially if you are interested in engineering programs. Along with a high GPA and strong SAT/ACT scores, taking the AIME is a way to signal to colleges you have superior math and problem-solving skills.

    This course will help students to be more ready for do well on the AIME and USAMO tests. We will use customized materials for different topics in the competition and also use many previously AIME/USAMO questions both in class and for homework.

    Instructor: Ram Goel

  • 01/15 to 06/13  40 Classes Monday 5:30pm-6:00pm,Saturday 5:00pm-6:30pm $800/term No class on Mar. 21,26, May 28, 30Location: Online16

    Course Objective: This is a one year course for typical freshmen in high school to get ready to take the AP physics 1 and 2. The curriculum is corresponding to the first-year high school STEM physics. It's a great class for students who have learned advanced math therefore use math to solve complex and interesting real-world problems.

    (1) To build a solid conceptual understanding of physics.
    (2) To apply math skills to solve Physics problems.
    (3) To prepare students for AP/IB Physics classes in High School.

    Prerequisite: Algebra 1

    Unit 1: Mechanics
    Chapter 2-3: Equilibrium and Linear Motion
    Chapter 4-6: Newton's Laws of Motion
    Chapter 7-9: Momentum and Energy
    Chapter 10-14: Gravity, Projectiles, and Satellites
    Chapter 15-16: Special Relativity

    Unit 2: Properties of Matter
    Chapter 17: Atomic Nature of Matter
    Chapter 18-20: Solids, Liquids, Gas

    Unit 3: Heat
    Chapter 21-23: Heat Transfer
    Chapter 24: Thermodynamics

    Unit 4: Sound and Light

    Chapter 25-27: Waves, Sound, Light
    Chapter 28-31: Color, Reflection, Lenses

    Unit 5: Electricity and Magnetism
    Chapter 32-35: Static and Current Electricity
    Chapter 36-37: Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

    Unit 6: Atomic and Nuclear Physics
    Chapter 38: The Atom and the Quantum
    Chapter 39: The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity
    Chapter 40: Nuclear Fission and Fusion

    Text Books: (Free rental from Sunshine library)

    Conceptual Physics Book Cover

    The PDF file of the textbook will be loaded to the class page before the term starts.

    Instructor: Maggie Greenwood

  • 02/15 to 05/03  11 Classes Tuesday 6:00pm-8:00pm $550/term No class on Mar. 22Location: Online11

    This is a new course to teach AP Physics Mechanics, with a focus to prepare for F=MA exam by practice on F=MA exam problems. The Course is designed to finish in one school year from Sep to May.

    1. Calculus (Easy version, could parallel taking it at Sunshine, text 503-915-2956 for detail)
    2. Have finished the Copceptual Physics Mechanics units
    3. Be motivated to work on F=MA problems.

    1. Customized teaching material in class
    2. 5th edition of Halliday, Resnick, and Krane’s Physics Volume 1
    3. Morin’s Problems and Solutions in Introductory Mechanics
    4. Past years of F=MA exams

    Note: The PDF file of the textbook will be loaded to the class page before the term starts.

    Reference Information:

    Our Teaching Philosophy: "Teaching Physics in the right way is hard, and finding the right teachers is even harder. Teaching formulas is very easy, but that does not help in understanding the concepts, and good physics is all about concepts. F=ma focuses a lot on conceptual depth."  

    The pathway to International Physics Olympiad:
    F=MA -> USA Physics Olympiad -> Physics Team -> IPhO

    Our Course Sequence to qualify for USA Physics Olympiad:
    1. PreAlgebra -> Introduction to Physics;
    2. Algebra1 -> Conceptual Physics, at least the mechanics units
    3. Algebra 1 plus Basic Trigonometry or Algebra2 -> AP Physics 1+2 plus F=MA practice;
    4. Calculus (Easy version is ok)-> AP Physics C Mechanics plus more F=MA Practice

    Instructor: Purushottam Goel

  • 03/05 to 05/07  10 Classes Saturday 5:00pm-6:00pm $450/term Location: Online15

    AP Biology review and exam prep class

    Reviews concepts and skills covered in AP Biology, prepares AP and IB students getting ready for AP Biology exam in May.

    Class Material and Textbook:
    1. Barron's AP Biology Review
    2. Practice Assignment from College Board 

    Instructor: Scott Martin

  • 01/20 to 06/09  20 Classes Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 24Location: Online9

    This class is for students with no programming experience and who want to choose Python as their first programming language to learn.

    Prerequisites for this course: Pre Algebra

    Python is a widely-used programming language. It is simple in its design, yet incredibly flexible and powerful. Python is the best introductory programming language. This course is designed for all ages who want to learn to program with Python. We will learn the basics such as installing and running Python, variables, strings, and text, interacting with users, conditions, and logic, etc. We will develop several small games using what we learn in class and make the learning fun and creative.

    This class includes the following Python Language Skills:

    • Introduction to programming languages.
    • How to install Python?
    • Introduction to Python IDLE environment
    • Programming at Prompt >>>
    • Introduction to different operators +,-,*,/,% and doing simple calculations on prompts
    • Variables and different types of data types.
    • Strings and indexing and slicing on strings.
    • Introduction to different types of string functions
    • Different types of operators like arithmetical, comparison, and Boolean operators
    • Conditional programming and using different types of IF statements in Python.
    • Introduction to math modules and using various string and mathematical functions.
    • Creating simple mathematical and conditional programs.
    • Lists in Python


    • Calculator
    • Using various mathematical functions
    • Disney land park

    • 1.1: Divide by X
    • 1.2: Calories
    • 2.1 Using Math Functions
    • 2.2: Input & Output Formatted
    Instructor: Shawn Preston

  • 01/18 to 06/07  20 Classes Tuesday 6:30pm-8:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 22Location: Online9


    This class is for students who have finished the Python programming beginner-A class or who already have at least one term of Python Programming training. Students who have very good programming skills with another language such as Java or c++ may also join this class to transfer to Python.

     Prerequisites for this course: Pre Algebra

    Python is a widely-used programming language. It is simple in its design, yet incredibly flexible and powerful. Python is the best introductory programming language. In Python II, we will learn using functions and modules to organize programs, using lists, sets, and dictionaries to organize data, debugging, building graphical interfaces, etc. We will develop several small games or some applications which may automate some boring stuff in our life using what we learn in class and make the learning fun and creative.

    This class includes following things:

    • Introduction to different types of loops.
    • Programming based on FOR loops and While Loop.
    • Introduction to sequence data types: Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
    • Programming on lists.
    • Introduction to turtle modules and turtle programming.
    • Turtle programming projects


    • Building Grade calculator
    • Building calculator
    • Making HELLO WORLD projects using Turtle Graphics.
    • Making Various shapes using Turtle graphics
    • Building Turtle CAR
    Instructor: Shawn Preston

  • 01/17 to 06/13  20 Classes Monday 6:00pm-7:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 21and May 30Location: Online9

    This class is for students who have finished a one-year Python programming beginner Course.

    Prerequisites for this course: Pre Algebra and Python beginner course

    Python is a widely-used programming language. It is simple in its design, yet incredibly flexible and powerful. Python is the best introductory programming language. This course is designed for all ages who want to learn to program with Python.


    This class includes the following Python Language Skills:

    • Programming based on conditions,loops,lists and dictionaries.
    • Programming based on lists,conditions,logics.
    • Complex programming.
    • Functional programming
    • Introduction to different types of arguments in functions.
    • Using Functions and modules in programming.
    • Random module
    • Turtle module


    • Calculator using functions
    • Building Grades Calculator
    • Building password generator.
    • Making Rock Paper Scissor game.
    • Making Fireworks/different types of spirals projects using Turtle Graphics.
    • Making Various shapes using Turtle graphics
    • Generate Grocery-Bill using Lists
    Instructor: Shawn Preston

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 1:00pm-2:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online5

    This class is for students who have finished the Python programming Junior-A class. 

    Python is a widely-used programming language. It is simple in its design, yet incredibly flexible and powerful. Python is the best introductory programming language. In Python II, we will learn using functions and modules to organize programs, using lists, sets, and dictionaries to organize data, debugging, building graphical interfaces, etc. We will develop several small games or some applications which may automate some boring stuff in our life using what we learn in class and make the learning fun and creative.

    This class includes following things:

    • Complex programming
    • Functional Programming
    • Datetime module
    • Lambda function
    • Random module
    • Classes and Objects
    • Turtle


    • Making Games with graphics
    • ASCII and binary conversion project
    • Tic Tac Toe
    • Number to words
    • Password Generator
    • Python turtle race
    • Turtle clock





    Instructor: Shalika Arora

  • 01/15 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 4:30pm-6:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26 and May 28Location: Online5

    This class is for students who have finished the Python programming Junior-B class or have similar Python programming skills.

    Python is a widely-used programming language. It is simple in its design, yet incredibly flexible and powerful. 

    This class will reinforce and deepen your Python programming skills learned in Junior-A and Junior-B courses by working on more projects with different Python libraries. This class will also introduce students to basic sorting and searching algorithms.

     This class will work on the programming problems from the ACSL (American Computer Science League) Junior level programming contest. Students will refine and improve their Python programming skills through hands-on projects.

    ACSL ( American Computer Science League) Junior Competition details can be found here:

    This class includes the following things:

    • Working with files. Reading and writing from files
    • Introduction to array and NumPy modules.
    • Programming based on single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
    • Introduction to data structures and algorithms.
    • Introduction to Number systems algorithms and implementations in Python.
    • Strings programming (Palindrome strings algorithms)
    • Basics algorithms Linear search and Binary Search algorithms.
    • Basics sorting algorithms.
    • ACSL junior Contest problems
    Instructor: Shalika Arora

  • 01/29 to 06/19  40 Classes Wednesday,Sunday 6:00pm-7:00pm $800/term No class on Mar. 23 Location: Online10

    Algorithms are the soul of computing. Algorithmic thinking, unlike the very young electronic machinery it brings alive, is rooted in ancient mathematics. It can be roughly described as creating "recipes" (well defined sequences of computational steps) for getting "things" (computational problems specifying an input-output relation) "successfully" (correctly) "done" (in finite steps and time).

    Algorithm design and analysis provide the theoretical backbone of computer science and are a must in the daily work of the successful programmer. The goal of this course is to provide a solid background in the design and analysis of the major classes of algorithms.

    In this course, students will develop ability to articulate processes for solving problems and to implement those processes efficiently within their programming. Students will learn to design algorithms for searching, sorting, and optimization and apply them to answer practical questions. 

    The expected outcome of this class:
    Students will be more confident to solve a lot of USACO Bronze level problems, and be able to solve some problems which are equivalent to the silver level from USACO,

    Problem Solving by C++/Python or equivalent. 

    Instructor: Kirby Urner

  • 01/19 to 06/08  20 Classes Wednesday 6:00pm-7:00pm $400/term No class on Mar. 23Location: Online9

    ACSL Computer Contest Elementary Division

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL elementary contest consists of non-programming problems. Four categories, one each contest, will be tested. The contest consists of a 30-minute, 5-question contest each month. The topics covered are: 

    Contest #1: Computer Number Systems

    Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation

    Contest #3: Boolean Algebra

    Contest #4: Graph Theory.

    Students will be given a 5-question test of questions on the given topic that encourages the use of strong problem-solving skills to get the correct answer.

    In this class, we will teach the Computer Number Systems for conttest 1 and get students ready for the  contest #1 which is on Nov 19, 2022. And then we will teach the Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notations for the contest #2 and get students ready for the contest #2 which is on Jan 6, 2023

    No prior programming experience is required to attend this training class. Students are expected to be good at fifth-grade math with good problem-solving skills.

     Here is the contest events detail and registration link:

    Instructor: Shawn Preston

  • 01/29 to 03/26  9 Classes Saturday 6:00pm-7:00pm $180/term Location: Online5

    American Computer Science League (ACSL ) organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students.

    Each contest round consists of two parts: a written section (short answer test) and a programming section. Written topics tested include "what does this program do?", digital electronics, Boolean algebra, computer numbering systems, recursive functions, data structures (primarily dealing with binary search trees, stacks, and queues), regular expressions,  bit string flicking, graph theory, and prefix/postfix/infix notation.

    Only Students from Grade 6 to Grade 9 are allowed to participate in the Junior Division.

    The Fall term will have 8 classes to prepare students for Contest #1 and Contest #2, and the Winter term will have 10 classes to prepare students for Contest #3 and Contest #4. Sunshine will have another 6 classes to prepare students who qualified for the ACSL Finals competition.

    Topics for Contest #1 covers the following areas:
    1. Computer Number Systems
    2. Recursive Functions
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Branching

    Topics for Contest #2 covers the following areas:
    1. Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation
    2. Bit-String Flicking
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Looping

    Topics for Contest #3 covers the following areas:
    1. Boolean Algebra
    2. Data Structures
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Arrays

    Topics for Contest #4 covers the following areas:
    1. Graph Theory
    2. Digital Electronics
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Strings

    No prior programming experience is required to attend this training class. Students are expected to be proficient in Algebra 1 with good problem-solving skills.

    The above topics will be taught in the level required to excel in the ACSL Junior Division competition.

    Here are the contest events detail and registration link:

    Instructor: Shalika Arora

  • 04/16 to 05/21  6 Classes Saturday 6:00pm-7:00pm $120/term Location: Online5

    American Computer Science League (ACSL ) organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students.

    Each contest round consists of two parts: a written section (short answer test) and a programming section. Written topics tested include "what does this program do?", digital electronics, Boolean algebra, computer numbering systems, recursive functions, data structures (primarily dealing with heaps, binary search trees, stacks, and queues), regular expressions and Finite State Automate, bit string flicking, graph theory, assembly programming and prefix/postfix/infix notation.

    Only Students from Grade 6 to Grade 9 are allowed to participate in the Junior Division.
    The first contest is scheduled in December every year.

    Topics for Contest #1 covers the following areas:
    1. Computer Number Systems
    2. Recursive Functions
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Branching

    Topics for Contest #2 covers the following areas:
    1. Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation
    2. Bit-String Flicking
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Looping

    Topics for Contest #3 covers the following areas:
    1. Boolean Algebra
    2. Data Structures
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Arrays

    Topics for Contest #4 covers the following areas:
    1. Graph Theory
    2. Digital Electronics
    3. What Does This Program Do? - Strings

    No prior programming experience is required to attend this training class. Students are expected to be proficient in Algebra 1 with good problem-solving skills.

    The above topics will be taught from a beginner level gradually progressing towards the level required to excel in the ACSL Junior Division competition.

    Here is the link to register for the 2020-2021 ACSL Training & Contest for Junior Division:

    Instructor: Shalika Arora

  • 01/25 to 06/21  20 Classes Tuesday 5:00pm-6:00pm $400/term No class on Mar 22 and Apr 26Location: Online3

    Chess is the classic game that develops spatial thinking and strategies and builds focused concentration. Often known as a game for the intellectually gifted, chess is the best sport to exercise the most important organ in our bodies: the brain. It promotes brain growth, raises your IQ, teaches planning and foresight, sparks your creativity, increases problem-solving skills, and optimizes memory improvement.

    This class is for the beginner who has little to no experience with Chess but wants to learn. In this class, students will learn basic game rules and opening tactic moves.

    Instructor: Sharath King Academy

  • 01/14 to 06/10  20 Classes Friday 5:30pm-6:30pm $400/term No class on Mar. 25 and May 27Location: Online4

    Chess is a classic game that develops spatial thinking and strategies and builds focused concentration. Often known as a game for the intellectually gifted, chess is the best sport to exercise the most important organ in our bodies: the brain. It promotes brain growth, raises your IQ, teaches planning and foresight, sparks your creativity, increases problem-solving skills, and optimizes memory improvement.

    This class will teach more about basic opening strategies and more advanced tactical tricks and patterns.
       The Summer session will start fresh, not just continue the 2020-2021 curriculum. We test the current skills for all students, integrate new students, and work on strategies and tactics for two main phases of the game. First we will all learn and practice a typical  chess opening. Second, we will focus on the key endgame patterns. This rewards pattern training and visualization skills.

    For the online classes, students will need to use a account in order to play chess during the class. Younger students can use ChessKid or other portals otherwise, but please have a regular account just for class. The instructor can observe all games at once. Another benefit from playing these games online is that the instructor can also comment on each student's games at some point during the course, and send those personal suggestions for improvement to the class.

    Instructor: Charles Schulien

  • 01/19 to 06/08  20 Classes Wednesday 5:00pm-6:30pm $600/term No class on Mar. 23Location: Online4

    Chess is the classic game that develops spatial thinking and strategies and builds focused concentration. Often known as a game for the intellectually gifted, chess is the best sport to exercise the most important organ in our bodies: the brain. It promotes brain growth, raises your IQ, teaches planning and foresight, sparks your creativity, increases problem-solving skills, and optimizes memory improvement.

    The summer 2021 course builds on lessons from some great players. Active learning techniques will help students retain the lessons, and they can apply this method to learning from any master games on their own. Student play, ideally in at least 1-2 tournaments, even online, is strongly encouraged. It is important to test your skills, and student game review is another part of the curriculum. Thus we personalize the courses while seeking to illustrate how to apply strategic concepts in your games.

    Recommendation: Students who have a rating 900 or above.

    Instructor: Charles Schulien

  • 01/26 to 06/15  20 Classes Wednesday 3:30pm-5:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 23Location: Rm 2

    These art classes are aimed at fostering young students’ general appreciation toward the arts while learning fundamental skills for their artistic expression.

    Additionally, this class will teach students to develop their ability to “see” the real world in creating fine drawings and quick sketches from life. It will introduce basic concepts of shape and form, volume, texture, values of shades, basic design, 1-3 prospective, basic color theory, and much more. The goal is to complete a piece of work in each class while furthering their interest and knowledge in the expression of fine art.

    Class supplies to prepare by students:
    1.  A Sketch book (9“x12” size is recommended)
    2. Color pencils or color markers.
    3. Later on will need some watercolors.

    Instructor: Tie Li

  • 01/26 to 06/15  20 Classes Wednesday 5:30pm-7:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 23Location: Online11

    These art classes are aimed at fostering young students’ general appreciation toward the arts while learning fundamental skills for their artistic expression.

    Additionally, this class will teach students to develop their ability to “see” the real world in creating fine drawings and quick sketches from life. It will introduce basic concepts of shape and form, volume, texture, values of shades, basic design, 1-3 prospective, basic color theory, and much more. The goal is to complete a piece of work in each class while furthering their interest and knowledge in the expression of fine art.

    Class supplies to prepare by students:
    1.  A Sketch book (9“x12” size is recommended)
    2. Color pencils or color markers.
    3. Later on will need some watercolors.

    Instructor: Tie Li

  • 01/22 to 06/11  20 Sessions Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm $600/term No class on Mar. 26Location: Online6

    This 20-week long SAT Reading/Writing is a fundamental unit based review package designed to help students going through all essential reading/writing areas to be tested in SAT.

    Compared to the short SAT intensive package, This SAT package is more unit-based reviews for reading/writing skills and strategies other than test-oriented. This package is good for students in 9th grade and 10th grade who want to prepare SAT early and get ready for PSAT 11. It's also good for 11th graders who need to build up more fundamental reading/writing skills before taking the intensive package. Upon finishing this package, students shall have more solid reading/writing skills to take the SAT test. 

    For more program details and questions, please call Ellen 503-9152956

    Instructor: Julie Hlad

  • 02/04 to 06/10  18 Sessions Friday 5:00pm-6:30pm $540/term No class on Mar 25 Location: Online16

    This 20-week long SAT Math is a fundamental unit based review package designed to help students going through all essential Math areas to be tested in SAT.

    Compared to the short SAT intensive package, This SAT package is more unit-based reviews for Math skills and strategies other than test-oriented. This package is good for students in 9th grade and 10th grade who want to prepare SAT early and get ready for PSAT 11. It's also good for 11th graders who need to build up more fundamental math skills before taking the intensive package. Upon finishing this package, students shall have more solid math skills to take the SAT test. 

    For more program details and questions, please call Ellen 503-9152956

    Instructor: Maggie Greenwood

  • 01/21 to 06/10  20 Classes Friday 5:00pm-6:00pm $400/term No class on Mar 25Location: Online10

    This is the CogAt test fundamental training class for the current 2nd-graders to prepare for the test in 3rd grade. The current 2nd graders will go to take the CogAt test at school in the coming Fall. A student in K-3rd grade who scores with 97 percentile at CogAt will qualify for the TAG program in Elementary School. A student in 5th-Grade who scores with 99 percentile at CogAt will qualify for the SUMMA program in Middle School.

    The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice test designed to measure a child's academic aptitude. It is used to measure cognitive development among children and is often used to identify gifted children for admissions into gifted and talented programs across the United States.

    The goal of this class is to let students get familiar with the test format and improve the cognitive and reasoning abilities by training. The verbal skills and some Figure cognitive skills in the CogAt test may take more time to build up, which are the common weak areas for most students. 

    We have scheduled the complete CogAt fundamental training in Winter/Spring term with a total of 20 1-hour classes from Jan to Jun. We have selected the course material from multiple leading resources. Sunshine provides all materials for students to practice with. The Winter/Spring class focuses more on improving students' reasoning and problem-solving abilities step by step.

    Each student in the class will get a test-readiness report at the end of the term.

    Instructor: Kimberly Balles

  • 01/21 to 06/10  20 Classes Friday 4:00pm-5:00pm $400/term No class on Mar 25Location: Online20

    This is the CogAt test fundamental training class for the current 3rd-graders to prepare for the test in 4th grade. The current 3rd-graders may go to take the CogAt test at school in the coming Fall. A student in 4th-Grade who scores with 99 percentile at CogAt will qualify for the SUMMA program in Middle School.

    The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice test designed to measure a child's academic aptitude. It is used to measure cognitive development among children and is often used to identify gifted children for admissions into gifted and talented programs across the United States.

    The goal of this class is to let students get familiar with the test format and improve the cognitive and reasoning abilities by training. The verbal skills and some Figure cognitive skills in the CogAt test may take more time to build up, which are the common weak areas for most students. 

    We have scheduled the complete CogAt fundamental training in Winter/Spring term with a total of 20 1-hour classes from Jan to Jun. We have selected the course material from multiple leading resources. Sunshine provides all materials for students to practice with. The Winter/Spring class focuses more on improving students' reasoning and problem-solving abilities step by step.

    Each student in the class will get a test-readiness report at the end of the term.


    Instructor: Tami Bake;  Meagan Andrus

  • 01/21 to 06/10  20 Classes Friday 5:00pm-6:00pm $400/term No class on Mar 25Location: Online20

    This is the CogAt test fundamental training class for the current 4th-graders to prepare for the test in 5th grade. The current 4th-graders will go to take the CogAt test at school in the coming Fall. A student in 5th-Grade who scores with 99 percentile at CogAt will qualify for the SUMMA program in Middle School.

    The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice test designed to measure a child's academic aptitude. It is used to measure cognitive development among children and is often used to identify gifted children for admissions into gifted and talented programs across the United States.

    The goal of this class is to let students get familiar with the test format and improve the cognitive and reasoning abilities by training. The verbal skills and some Figure cognitive skills in the CogAt test may take more time to build up, which are the common weak areas for most students. 

    We have scheduled the complete CogAt fundamental training in Winter/Spring term with a total of 20 1-hour classes from Jan to Jun. We have selected the course material from multiple leading resources. Sunshine provides all materials for students to practice with. The Winter/Spring class focuses more on improving students' reasoning and problem-solving abilities step by step.

    Each student in the class will get a test-readiness report at the end of the term.


    Instructor: Tami Bake;  Meagan Andrus

  • 01/22 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 9:00am-10:00am $400/term No class on Mar 26 Location: Online10

    This is a class for 3rd graders who want to prepare for the ITBS reading test.

    This course will build up the solid fundation for the reading and vocabulary skills by using comprehensive reading and vocabulary level 3A and 3B along the year. Students will also learn the test strategies and sharpen the test skills by engaging in practice tests from multiple leading resources in class or out class as homework.

    Students in 3rd-6th grade who score in the 99 percentile in ITBS/OSA Reading, together with a 97% in either the ITBS/OSAS Math or CogAt test, will qualify for the SUMMA program in Middle School. For additional information on the SUMMA program at BSD schools, please check this link:

    You may check your child's performance via the online practice test reports which will be done along with this class in your Sunshine account via the link "Assessment Tests".

    All class material will be provided in PDF file via the class page, plus our online tests with instant grading and reports.

    Instructor: Kimberly Balles

  • 01/22 to 06/11  20 Classes Saturday 10:00am-11:00am $400/term No class on Mar. 26Location: Online10

    This is a class for current 4th graders who want the fundamental skill training required for the ITBS reading test. Students may take the ITBS math/reading tests by recommendation at the beginning of November. A student in 4th-6th grade who scores in the 99 percentile in ITBS Math, together with a 97% in either the ITBS Reading or CogAt test, will qualify for the SUMMA program in Middle School. For additional information on SUMMA, please reference this link: 

    This course will go through the reading content covered on the ITBS reading test thoroughly from the 4th-grade level to the 5th-grade level.  We have selected the course material from multiple leading resources and past ITBS tests. Students will also learn the best test strategies by engaging in multiple practice tests.

    The curriculum is designed for 20-weeks. The class is usually scheduled for the Winter/Spring term.

    You may check your child's performance via the online practice test reports which have been done along with this class in your Sunshine account via the link "Assessment Tests".

    All class material will be provided in PDF file via the class page, plus our online tests with instant grading and reports.

    Instructor: Kimberly Balles

  • 02/15 to 02/15  1 Contest Tuesday 4:30pm-6:00pm $25/exam Location: Rm 2

    Sunshine Elite is hosting the F=MA exam for high school students this year! Any students who have learned AP Physics may try out the F=MA exam.

    AAPT and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) sponsor a competition each year for high school students to represent the United States at the International Physics Olympiad Competition

    The mission of the U.S. Physics Team Program is to promote and demonstrate academic excellence through preparation for and participation in the International Physics Olympiad.

    The Pathway to International Physics Olympiad Team is:
    F=ma for any motivated high school students =>
    Top 400 students  are invited for USAPhO =>
    Top 20 students are selected to U.S. Physics Team =>
    Top 5 students are selected to represent the team at IPhO

    Below are more details for the several round of exams:

    1. The F=ma exam is a 75-minute exam with 25 multiple choice questions focusing on mechanics. Two versions of the exam are given, the F=ma A and F=ma B.
    2. Approximately 400 students will be invited to take the USA Physics Team (USAPhO) exam, based on their scores on the F=ma exam. The USAPhO is a 3-hour free response exam where students are required to justify their answers. The exam is divided into two parts of 90 minutes each.
    3. Approximately 20 students will be invited to be a part of the U.S. Physics Team, based on their USAPhO and F=ma scores, and attend a ten-day training camp at the University of Maryland. At the end of the camp, five students will be selected to represent the team at the International Physics Olympiad.
    4. Students must be either U.S. Citizens, U.S. Permanent Residents (Green Card holders), or currently attending a U.S. school, to take the F-ma exam.
    5. Students must be either U.S. Citizens, or U.S. Permanent Residents (Green Card holders) to take the USAPhO exam. Students must also be located in the U.S. to take the USAPhO exam.

    To check the F=MA exam rules, please check here: 

    Instructor: By Sunshine Teacher

  • 11/19 to 05/07  1 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 6:15pm-7:00pm $40/4 tests  in the year of 2021-2022; Test dates are Nov 19, Jan 21, Mar 18, May 6Location: Online

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Elementary Division is for students from grades 4 to 6. It consists of 4 contests in a year. The contests scheduled for the 2023-2024 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Saturday 8:15am-9am, November 11, 2023
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on Saturday 8:15am-9am, Jan 20, 2024
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on Saturday 8:15am-9am,  Mar 9, 2024
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on Saturday 8:15-9am, Apr 20, 2024 

    Note: All tests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2023-2024. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 16, 2024. The ACSL Final Contests are scheduled on May 25, 2024, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    The contests consist of non-programming problems in four categories, one each contest, will be tested. The contest consists of a 30-minute, 5-question test each month. The topics covered in 4 contests are Computer Number Systems, Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation, Boolean Algebra, and Graph Theory. You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contests, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shawn Preston

  • 11/19 to 05/07  1 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 6:15pm-7:00pm $40/4 tests  in the year of 2021-2022; Test dates are Nov 19, Jan 21, Mar 18, May 6Location: Online

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Intermediate Division contest is the best for high school students with little or no programming experience and for advanced junior high students. Each contest consists of an online 30-minute, 5-question short answer test and an online programming problem to solve in 72 hours.

    The Short Problems topics are the same in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions. The Senior Division problems are more challenging than those in the Intermediate Division.

    Contest 1
    Computer Number Systems
    Recursive Functions
    What Does This Program Do?

    Contest 2
    Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation
    Bit-String Flicking

    Contest 3
    Boolean Algebra
    Data Structures
    FSAs and Regular Expressions

    Contest 4
    Graph Theory
    Digital Electronics
    Assembly Language

    The contests scheduled for the 2021-2022 year at Sunshine are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Friday, November 19, 2021

        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on Friday, January 21, 2022

        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on Friday,  March 18, 2022

        Contest #4: Graph Theory on Friday, May 6, 2022

    (Note: All tests are virtual online tests in the year 2021-2022)

    If you have questions or concerns about the contest, please contact Shalika Arora by Email:

    Instructor: Shawn Preston

  • 11/19 to 05/07  1 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 7:15pm-8:00pm $40/4 tests  in the year of 2021-2022; Test dates are Nov 19, Jan 21, Mar 18, May 6Location: Online

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Junior Division is for students from grades 6 to 9. It consists of 4 contests in a year. The contests scheduled for the 2023-2024 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Saturday 8:15am-9am, November 11, 2023
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on Saturday 8:15am-9am, Jan 20, 2024
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on Saturday 8:15am-9am,  Mar 9, 2024
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on Saturday 8:15-9am, Apr 20, 2024 

    Note: All tests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2023-2024. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 16, 2024. The ACSL Final Contests are scheduled on May 25, 2024, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    Each contest in the Junior Division has two parts: a take-home 72-hour time limit programming problem and a set of short answer questions.  Each short answer test consists of 2 questions on each of the first two topics listed below and 1 question on the third topic for a total of 5 questions.  The time limit for the 5 question test is 30 minutes. 

    Below are the topics for each contest and the study material links:

    Contest #1 Computer Number Systems
    Recursive Functions
    What Does This Program Do? - Branching
    Contest #2 Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation
    Bit-String Flicking
    What Does This Program Do? - Loops
    Contest #3 Boolean Algebra
    Data Structures
    What Does This Program Do? - Arrays
    Contest #4 Graph Theory
    Digital Electronics
    What Does This Program Do? - Strings

     You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contests, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shawn Preston

  • 04/15 to 04/15  1 Math League Competition Event Friday 5:00pm-5:45pm $10/contest Math League Competition in the year of 2021-2022Location: Rm 2

    Math League is a Math competition for grades 3-12 students. It is held in the United States, Canada, and other countries. The competition consists of a timed multiple-choice test; the timing is such that to complete the test, students must work at a pace of one question per minute or faster.

    Math League expands on basic math concepts taught in schools by using more challenging questions and word problems, requiring students to use critical thinking to complete each question accurately and in a timely manner so that all questions can be finished in the allotted time, and because of this, the course is focused on strategies to quickly and accurately answer questions.

    Sunshine is hosting the Math League contest every year on Apr 15. The students scored 26 or above in the test will qualify for the Math League International Summer Program. You may check more information about the competition from the Math League official website:

  • 04/15 to 04/15  1 Math League Competition Event Friday 5:00pm-5:45pm $10/contest Math League Competition in the year of 2021-2022Location: Rm 1

    Math League is a Math competition for grades 3-12 students. It is held in the United States, Canada, and other countries. The competition consists of a timed multiple-choice test; the timing is such that to complete the test, students must work at a pace of one question per minute or faster.

    Math League expands on basic math concepts taught in schools by using more challenging questions and word problems, requiring students to use critical thinking to complete each question accurately and in a timely manner so that all questions can be finished in the allotted time, and because of this, the course is focused on strategies to quickly and accurately answer questions.

    Sunshine is hosting the Math League contest every year on Apr 15. The students scored 26 or above in the test will qualify for the Math League International Summer Program. You may check more information about the competition from the Math League official website:

  • 01/23 to 01/23  1 Contest Sunday 5:00pm-6:00pm $20/exam Location: Online

    The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. It is held in November and for students in grade 8 or below and under 14.5 years of age on the day of the competition.

    It covers many advanced math subjects and requires critical thinking to be able to answer questions in an accurate and timely manner so all questions can be answered in the allotted time.

    Contest schedule at the day:

    8:55-9:15am Arrive and prepare for the test

    Have students pre-fill all names and demographic information on their answer sheets prior to the competition. Students must use their full legal name, no nicknames or abbreviations. They should pay careful attention to marking their name and address accurately. 

    The test will be paper-based so please take 2/HB pencils with you. You have to stay with the e-test page all the test. No other aids are permitted other than unmarked scratch paper, graph paper, rulers, protractors, and erasers. Calculators and other electronic devices of any kind are not allowed. The AMC 8 questions do not require the use of a calculator.

    9:20-10:00am Test time

    • Students are seated separated by an empty space, if possible.
    • Talking or asking questions during the competition is not allowed. Students must do their own work.
    • The announcement to the students will be made when there are 10 minutes left and again when there are 2 minutes left.
    • When time is up after 40 minutes, Students have to stop and submit their test without any delay.
    • The competition and solutions may not be discussed with anyone outside of the room either orally or digitally (e.g. email, online, and social media of any type) until 24 hours have passed from the official competition dates. The competition booklets will be sent to students by email 24 hours after the competition period is over.

    Note: Please be on time. Students who come in 10 minutes later will not be accepted to the exam.


  • 02/08 to 02/08  1 Contest 10:00am-2:30pm $30/exam Location: Online

    AIME test is 3 hours long. The test has to be taken between 10:30am to 2:30pm PT time. So we will try to have all students start the contest at 10:30am, and finish it at 1:30pm. 

    Below are more rules and details for AIME test:

    • Participants must take the AIME at the same location where they took the AMC 10 or AMC 12.
    • The test must be proctored by the competition manager.
    • Students will complete a series of competition steps which include sections, such as rules and regulations, the Competition page (featuring a timer), a post-competition integrity form, and final submission page.
    • The competition manager must not answer any questions about the competition and should ensure that no participant has the opportunity to communicate by any means to any other person while the competition is in progress.
    • If there is an urgent need to use the bathroom, all materials should remain with the proctor. No other breaks are permitted.
    • Obtain a supply of #2 pencils and unmarked scratch paper. No aids are permitted other than scratch paper, graph paper, rulers, protractors, and erasers. Calculators and electronic devices of any kind are not allowed. 

    Note: Please be on time. Students who come in 15 minutes later will not be accepted to the exam.

  • 03/22 to 03/23  2 Contest 10:30am-4:00pm $90/exam Location: Online

    USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) and USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO), are the highest level of competitions offered in the MAA AMC cycle. The 2022 USA(J)MO will be held on Tuesday, March 22, and Wednesday, March 23 from 1:30-7:00 pm ET each day. Students must start before 2 pm ET to receive the full 4.5 hours of work time on the competition. The last hour of the competition window is reserved for uploading solutions. 


  • 01/10 to 06/11  20 test Friday 10:00am-12:00pm $0/test Location: Online

    The time schedule:

    Session 1: ITBS Math : 60 minutes

    Break: 15 minutes

    Session 2: ITBS Reading: 40 minutes


  • 01/10 to 06/11  20 test Friday 10:00am-12:00pm $0/test Location: Online

    The time schedule:

    Session 1: ITBS Math : 60 minutes

    Break: 15 minutes

    Session 2: ITBS Reading: 40 minutes


  • 01/10 to 06/11  20 test Friday 10:00am-12:00pm $0/test Location: Online

    The time schedule:

    Session 1: ITBS Math : 60 minutes

    Break: 15 minutes

    Session 2: ITBS Reading: 40 minutes


  • 01/10 to 06/11  20 test Friday 10:00am-12:00pm $0/test Location: Online

    The time schedule:

    Session 1: ITBS Math : 60 minutes

    Break: 15 minutes

    Session 2: ITBS Reading: 40 minutes


  • Sunshine Enrichment Class Coupons
  • Sunshine Elite Education is closed on all major holidays.
  • Missing classes with notice can be made up by class replay for the online classes in current term.
  • Sunshine Elite Education private tutoring for SAT/Writing/Math is available upon request.
  • Sunshine Elite Education reserves the right to update or modify the class plan at any time with or without any further notice.